Principal's Message

Welcome to all students, families and staff to the start of the 2024 school year and a special welcome to those who are new to the school community. I am honoured to be the principal of Mount View Primary School and I look forward to working with you all so that we can best support your children’s learning, wellbeing and friendships.
Our students in Year 1-6 returned to school last week and we welcomed our Prep students for their first day of school on Wednesday. This is a special day on the school calendar and represents new beginnings for the children and their families.
I have been impressed by the way that our students started the year. They are settled, engaged and ready to learn. I am grateful to our committed teachers and support staff for the level of care that they took to prepare for the start of the year. It is this collaborative approach that makes Mount View such a special place to be- and it is your children who benefit.
I am committed to learning more about the school and to connecting with students, staff and families. Thank you to those of you who attended today’s Meet the Principal session and I look forward to more opportunities to learn more what is important to you and to sharing important information about the school.
Welcome to new staff
I extend a warm welcome to the following staff who joined the Mount View Primary School team this year:
Integration and Multi-Cultural Aides
Nipa Parikh
Yang Ping Qian
Alice Zhang
Performing Arts
Meggie Le Cudennec -
Visual Arts
Cathy Edwards
Physical Education
Matt Johnson
Teacher of Deaf
Jackie Mitchell
Classroom Teachers
Rachel Chen
Melissa Stronell
Jessica Carlon
Allison McLaren
Joshua Kamoen
Thu Pham
Community events
Movie Night
In recognition of Hearing Awareness Week, we are screening the movie Wonka at 6pm on Thursday 29 February for the Mount View PS Community. Please add the date to your calendar with further details still to come.
Mount View PS Carnival
We are excited about the upcoming Twilight Carnival on Friday 22 March from 3.30pm-8.30pm. Please keep an eye out for regular communication so that you can support this fabulous Mount View PS community event.
Road Safety
I am sharing this information with you as a reminder of the importance of practicing, modelling and reinforcing the habits that promote road safety when children are travelling to and from school.
Be Alert and Aware
Take note of the dangers you come across on your walk and bring them to your child’s attention. Point out dangers, such as vehicles coming out of driveways. Talk to your child about being alert in a road environment.
Hold Hands
When on the footpath, at a crossing or in a car park always hold your child's hand. It is advised to do this up to the age of at least 8 years old and closely supervise until at least the age of 10.
Choose a safe crossing
Lead by example and choose a safe place to cross the road. This includes supervised pedestrian crossings and traffic lights. Make sure you have a clear view of approaching traffic, and where drivers can see you.
Set a Good Example
Your child watches everything you do, so if you cross at the crossing they will too. It is also important to share these messages with other carers who may walk with your child to school.
- STOP one step back from the kerb or shoulder of the road if there is no footpath.
- LOOK in all directions for approaching traffic.
- LISTEN in all directions for approaching traffic.
- THINK about whether it is safe to cross the road – when the road is clear or all traffic has stopped.
When crossing, walk straight across the road. Keep LOOKING and LISTENING for traffic while crossing.
Children & pedestrian safety : VicRoads
Justine Mackey