From the Principal

The school year has begun!

New beginnings mean excitement, anticipation and energy as we reignite the spirit of hope at Great Southern Grammar - one community, one school, one approach.


We are proud of our school and this week we have reaffirmed the importance of culture and living our values everyday, engagement in the full life of the school and committing to excellence. Simply put, the way we do anything is the way do everything.


In 2024, we welcome 115 new students and their families, and 18 new staff into the Grammar family. This included 14 new boarding students.  At our Welcome Back Assembly, we formally welcomed our new students and reaffirmed our values with all students. 


It is my hope and prayer that our new students and families experience a deep sense of belonging at GSG.


I would like to take the opportunity to thank all staff for the preparation and work already completed this year in readiness for the return of students. We are blessed with extraordinary people.


Speaking of extraordinary staff, during the holidays Mrs Teresa McAllister, Head of Technologies was recognised by the Home Economics Institute of Australia as a finalist in the Home Economics Teacher of the Year, representing Western Australia. Teresa received this accolade at the national conference in Adelaide. Congratulations, Teresa.

P&F Sundowner

Next Friday, 9 February at 6.00pm is the annual P&F Sundowner. This is a highlight of the school calendar and is wonderful opportunity to reconnect with each other and forge new friendships. A number of staff will be in attendance and I look forward to seeing you there.

Child-minding Service

The P&F is pleased to provide a child-minding service to allow parents/guardians to attend the Information Sessions and the P&F Sundowner. It is limited to Primary School aged children. Places are limited so please submit your form as soon as possible.


Location: ECC Foyer

Drop off time: from 4.50pm

Pick up time: 7.45pm

Please provide a drink bottle and snacks for your child(ren)


Have a great start to the 2024 school year and go well.


One community, one school, one approach.


Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12  


Mr Mathew Irving | Principal