Student News

When students join our school, we recognise that they are filled with a range of competing emotions. Many are excited at the opportunity to join a school that will challenge them and help them achieve their lofty hopes and dreams. Many are also nervous and perhaps a little bit apprehensive about the need to establish new friendships that will undoubtedly take them out of their comfort zone.
Aware of these emotions, we have created a program, called PRIMUS that helps break down these apprehensions and to create opportunities to connect with their Home Group, Core-Class, House and teachers.
This year's cohort approached the "Primus Cup" with an unrivalled passion, participation and commitment. Each house competed in a range of events and activities taking place on Orientation Day at School Swimming and as part of their ‘City Week’ experience.
Activities included:
Build a Bridge
Scavenger Hunt
Westgate Sports
Swimming Participation
The Amazing Race
The Primus Project
This year was once again a fiercely battled competition with Kororoit taking out the Cup by only 5 points!
1st KOROROIT 135
2nd ROTHWELL 130
3rd COTTRELL 115
To supplement these activities we launched a new project where each Home Group researched, developed and created a website and advertisement responding to the prompt “Is This Space Taken?” and from all reports it was a resounding success!
These were then shared with their peers and presented to parents at Information Night in Week 4.
The PRIMUS program concludes with the upcoming Year 9 camp in a few weeks and we look forward to providing even more opportunities to challenge, excite and unite the cohort.
Thank you to all staff, students and parents for engaging and supporting the program and CONGRATULATIONS to KOROROIT for the win!
David Juricevich
Director of Proactive Wellbeing - Middle
Chinese Lantern Festival
On the 27th of February SCHS celebrated the Chinese Lantern Festival through a paper lantern making competition. Students of all grades participated in the competition to win the grand prize of Values Cards, adding towards the House Cup.
We had two winners, Jailan Yeung and Adrian Doan with their 'love lantern'. This was the Cultural Committee's first event and we aim to set up more throughout the year, bringing recognition to all cultures around the world.
We have also attached the instructions to making these lanterns so that you can enjoy the same fun we had at school.
😄- The Triple C
Citizen Captains Update Valentines Day Success
We are excited and happy to announce news on how the Valentines Day Stall went. Well, to say the least it was a smashing success! We had decided to make a few changes this year to the annual Valentines Day Stall, including the options for students to buy artificial foam roses, crochet roses or a serenade, in which students were serenaded by a group of talented music students during homegroup!
Overall, we raised over $1000 to be donated to the Australian Red Cross, but this could not have been possible without significant support and contributions from others, as well as the people who purchased either a rose or a serenade for their loved ones.
We would first like to thank the Premature Grandparent’s Club, who generously devoted their time to creating the crochet roses for sale. A huge thank you to Savita and Rhianna for coordinating this.
A little message from PGC
Hey everyone! Savita and I just wanted to drop a massive thank you to all our geriatric members who pitched in and helped for the crochet rose fundraiser.
It was an ambitious ask but we are so so so proud and grateful to all of you guys for contributing- whether it be actually crocheting the rose heads, assembling the roses, or assisting with delivery - this mammoth cupid assignment would have been impossible without y’all🤧
Now let those wrists take a break - updates on the next club meeting will be out soon!
-xoxo Sav & Rhi
Secondly, we would like to thank Ashmi, Pragna alongside the entire serenading team who organised, rehearsed and executed the serenades. They were absolutely spectacular and a wonderful addition to the annual Valentines Day Stalls.
Thirdly, thank you to all the Initiative Captains, Keyara, Diya, Sahnan and Akshya for their support, either through selling or assembling the roses. Special shoutout to Akshya for cutting all that tape. He must’ve cut over 400 pieces of tape by the time we were done!
Overall, we truly hoped students enjoyed the stall this year and all we have is gratitude that it was executed smoothly!
Your Citizenship Captains
Iti and Zahara
Music Captains UpdateValentines Open Mic <3
Open Mics are one of the best, if not one of the most special, aspects of music for Suzanne Cory students. By giving our student musicians a chance to flaunt their hard work, and thus create lasting memories and meaningful connections with the rest of the school, we can make our high school a better place for staff and students alike.
We kicked off the year with our school-favourite Valentines Open Mic: an open mic of love! (Hopefully!)
Aided by the ambiance of the maybe (romance) in the air, the Valentines Roses by the Citizenship Team, and the new Serenades, this open mic showed student bands like:
- PLASTICA playing Laufey’s From The Start (Good Kid ver)
- MiRAGE playing wave to earth’s peach eyes.
We also had a mix of smaller ensembles and solos to swoon our hearts, such as:
- Ashlee & Aiman playing Dark Red by Steve Lacy
- Vivjval, Sofia, Alonso, & Lilliana singing Replay by Iyaz
- Vinh, Jayme & Adi performing Valentine by Laufey
- Tousif busting it down to L.O.V.E by Nat Cole
Another BIG thank you to the music team for helping prepare and make this Open Mic happen, thank you to our wonderful Music Media team for advertising and recording the performances, the performers who got up there and gave us the most romantical show ever, and everybody else who enjoyed it.
All the love from your Music Captains,
Keerthana and Zaeena
Chorals Bootcamp
As Chorals season approaches, you can quite literally feel the buzz of excitement and anticipation around preparations for the biggest competition of the year! We kicked off with Chorals Bootcamp on the 1st of Feb, where the best of each house’s music talents learned key information about this year’s line-up, practised conducting for mass singing, and most importantly, planned out a winning strategy.
It’s become pretty clear that this year’s competition is going to be unlike anything we’ve seen before! The amount of enthusiasm and dedication that the Suzanne Cory students are putting in is unparalleled, and we know that none of this could happen without them. Our best Chorals memories involve singing loud and proud with our entire house, and it’s that kind of unity that makes Chorals stand apart from all the other house competitions!
A huge thank you to Ms. Dimble, Mr. Hart and Mr. Mulcahy for coordinating the event and to the entire music department team for their continued support - Chorals would not be the spectacular show that it is without you!
We’d especially like to acknowledge the hard work put in by our house Chorals captains: Caitlin Sim, Srinidhi Sundaresan, Dinda Widya Murti, and Mandy Diep. Not only are they all exceptional musicians, but we’ve seen their insane levels of commitment and leadership firsthand!
To the year 9 cohort: the lead up to your first Chorals can be a bit confusing with everything happening all at once, but we promise you that it’ll be the most memorable part of your SCHS experience! Just immerse yourselves in the rehearsals and put your everything into the mass songs, and you’ll see what all the hype is about!
Make sure you keep streaming Coming Home by Sheppard~ the first step to winning 100 house points is learning those lyrics :))