Learning and Teaching Update

'We aim to provide a school environment where ‘Every person can flourish and be known’ This means that our teaching program identifies the unique needs of each individual student, and delivers a learning program designed to grow them into the best person that they can be'.

Dear Parents and Carers


Welcome back to the 2024 school year. I hope you have all had a happy, safe and peaceful start to the new year.


What an exciting time it is for your children and for yourselves, a new year, a new class, a new teacher(possibly), new friends, new learning experiences and a whole lot of growth that will happen this year. It is also a time of worry and nervousness for many students and as teachers, parents and carers, we play an important role in being mindful of their feelings. Our teachers have planned many fabulous activities to settle your child, get to know them, help them to make friends and get to know their classmates and most importantly keep them safe and enjoy their time at school. 


It has been wonderful to welcome two staff members, Ms Diaco and Ms Calamba, brand new to the teaching profession this year. We are so lucky to have them in our school as they are just out of teacher college and have a wealth of knowledge to share with us. 


The new Prep students have done so well on their first full day at school. They are curious and eager and have done really well with the different routines they have experienced throughout the day. 


At St Anthony’s we deeply value your engagement in your child’s learning. Please feel free to make contact and communicate with us. This can be done through Class Dojo with your child’s teachers or coming into the school office. 


We look forward to working with you and your child/children this year.


Kind regards

Glennis Kerr

Teaching and Learning Leader