Message from the Deputy Principal
Welcome back !
The first week back is always an amazing experience. I really enjoy watching everyone return from holidays with a huge smile !
I hope that everyone had a safe and restful summer break. I enjoyed walking my dog around the many parks of Melbourne and watching too much cricket !
As part of our Social Emotional Learning and Child Safety work the school has focused on help-seeking strategies and learning about our High Expectations: 'Respect Yourself, Respect Others and Respect Your School'.
These strategies are put in place to keep everyone safe. One of the main strategies used is the '5 people who I can ask for help' strategy. Students pick 5 people e.g. parents, grandparents or a teacher who they can contact if they feel unsafe or worried.
As sometimes problems are too big for students to solve on their own. I encourage all families to discuss this strategy with their child. Below is an example of the activity.
If you have any student wellbeing related questions, please feel free to come and see me or send me a DOJO message.
Have a lovely weekend