PFA News

Afternoon Tea Market Stalls!
On the 23rd of February, after assembly, we will be recommencing our Bake Stall for our school community. We would like to start the ball rolling with the Grade 1’s as our host families.
This a new tradition we started in Term 4 last year that provides a celebratory feel to the end of another successful fortnight of learning.
We hope to hold the Bake stall after every assembly just outside the canteen area.
It will be an opportunity to connect with one another whilst the students play freely in the school grounds.
Being together and sharing these relaxed moments is a key contributor to our positive school culture and we look forward to this time with one another!
All proceeds will be used to support our priority of happy, healthy and active kids. They will see the funds used to hold events such incursions, excursions and interest-based activities for the particular grade that is hosting the Bake Stall.
We look forward to drawing on student voice in these decisions through class and year level meetings.
To support transparency and a sense of partnership, we will notify you of how the funds were used and acknowledge your contribution to the health and well being of our students.
Host Families
As a host class family we invite families to contribute a plate of homemade goodies for sale.
Suggestions include:
- Cakes, muffins, biscuits
- Slices, pikelets
- Protein balls
- Fruit cups or fruit kebabs
- Assorted pastries
- Popcorn cups
Please also include a list of ingredients for any homemade items.
Food drop off
Donations for the Bake Stall can be delivered to the School Office at any point before and during the school day and will stored in the Staff room.
Bake Stall Volunteers
Thank you for your commitment of time and energy for this community event. We ask that you please:
- Advise the office of your availability to run the Bake Stall – we’d love to hear from you by Wednesday preceding your allocated day
- Present to the office at 3.10pm the day of the Bake stall
- Engage in recommended hand hygiene practices throughout your time on site
- Collect the Bake Stall food items from the staff room
- Collect the float from the office