Holy Cross Happenings

Ash Wednesday
On the 14th of February, we had an Ash Wednesday Mass to celebrate the beginning of Lent. During the Mass, we all got ashes on our foreheads in the shape of a cross. Father Vincent told everyone about how Jesus was in the desert for forty days and forty nights. Father Vincent taught us that during the forty days, Jesus was tempted to do things that go against what God, His Father, wanted. He spoke about taking a “Time Out” of our lives and the reasons for fasting, praying and almsgiving. Lent and Ash Wednesday are times of prayer and doing good things for the less fortunate.
By Ivy Streek, Gabi Walsh and Violet O’Donohue - 6A
Holy Cross Swimming Trials
On Thursday the 15th of February students from years 3-6 competed in the Holy Cross Swimming Trials at Sunbury Aquatic and Leisure Centre.
We started the day with a briefing from our House Captains who spoke about some rules and expectations for the day. Casey also explained that we would be starting a house swimming program to encourage people to participate and try their best in all events to earn points for their house. The school also supplied each house with a box of pom poms for people to use when supporting their house. We then had the option to complete a warm up lap before the first event commenced. First was freestyle, it was so great to see so many students participating in this event and so many excited and relieved faces when they touched the wall. Next was backstroke. A big shout out to our parent helpers and house captains for putting student safety first by sticking pool noodles into the water so the swimmers didn’t hit their heads. Next was breaststroke, it was so nice to see students with heads held high in this very technical event even if they were disqualified. The last event was butterfly although some people consider this event the hardest it was great to see so many people enter in this event and give it their best shot.
“I liked how the school gave us an opportunity to have a fun day out with our friends” - Hudson 4A
“ It was the funniest thing I've ever done” - James 3B
“I liked how they turned it into house points” - Hudson and Ruby 4A
Special mention to Brigid House Captain Harper who handed out ribbons and helped Beck and Kara with the swimming times and names.
Also to Steph and Stacy for handing the kids their icy pole stick with their place on it and Ryan, Steph, Nat and Kate J for sorting kids into races.
Overall it was a great day and we look forward to hearing the winning house.
By Harper, Isabella and Jaeda
STEM Rocketry PD
Today, two of our Year 5 and 6 teachers participated in a professional development day in the realm of STEM rocketry, alongside Kate J our Learning & Teaching Leader. The purpose of the PD was to delve into a comprehensive exploration of a STEM project that integrates design, physics, measurement, history, and critical and creative thinking. This immersive PD experience will enrich our Design and Technology Inquiry unit. The day involved both theoretical and hands-on components, focusing on the principles of paired forces. Teachers actively participated in the practical element, where they designed, tested, and improved the launch of their rockets. The knowledge and insights gained during this STEM rocketry PD will hopefully inspire an interest in science and technology within our classrooms.
Student Leadership
Today our school captains travelled to the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre at South Wharf for the National Young Leaders Day. They started the day dancing! DJ Raf set the tone for the day with lots of energy and enthusiasm. Next time you see our school captains ask them to show you their new dance moves!
Amongst the fun and games they listened to four high profile Australians talk about their own leadership journey. During the breaks they were able to get a photo and chat with the speakers, Bryson Klein, Jane Bunn and Anastasia Woolmer. I have it on good authority that they're also hoping to chat with Melissa Barbieri, former Matilda's captain this afternoon.
We look forward to seeing what ideas they can bring back to school from the day. Our captains will share more about their experience at their very first assembly next week.