Physical Education and Sport

A whole school game of Jockeys and horses at Huff 'n Puff

Calendar of events

Wednesday, February 28 - Kayak experience for Year 5 & 6 students at Lilydale Lake 1.30-3.00 (optional event)

Friday, March 1 - AFL clinic with Hawthorn FC players. We're still waiting to know what classes will attend.

Wednesday, March 13 - St Joseph's Twilight sports commencing at 5.00pm

Wednesday, March 27 - UYSSA Athletics. All day for students in 3-6


Students have engaged in the first few sessions, learning some new minor games and building some cricket skills.

We will be commencing athletics in week 4 as we prepare for our twilight sports and the 3-6 athletics carnival at the end of term.

Huff 'n Puff

Again this year we will be doing huff 'n puff Tuesdays through to Fridays each morning. This is a great way to get the blood moving and have the brain ready for action once we hit the classrooms.

Our year 6 sports leaders will soon be taking over the activities and leading their sports groups through vigorous and fun activities.