News from One/Two


This is such an important subject... and I say that as someone with a Masters Degree in Mathematics Education!  That's how important it is.  We have been learning how to read with a partner in class by doing EEKK!  That stands for Elbow, Elbow, Knee, Knee.  Students sit together with a book BOTH people can see and interact with.  They read together and share ideas and responses for the story.  We have been enjoying reading all the new books in our classroom library.  




Now for the important news... math!  The first two weeks have seen us learning some good adding and subtracting games so that we can learn our basic facts and practise our counting skills.  We don't just count forwards, but also backwards.  We have been counting by 2's, 5's and 10's.  We also learnt a game for understanding number called Mastermind.  That is where the teacher or leader has a secret number (like 548) written down and the students have to guess it in the shortest amount of guesses possible.  They are getting so good at mastermind they could even teach you how to play at home.