Year 3 - Middle Unit

We have begun looking at personal narratives (stories based on moments in our lives). Students have been looking at idea generation and practising the prewriting phase, brainstorming adjectives to describe characters, settings and feelings and using them in their writing. Year 3 students have also been collating ideas and personalising their Writer’s Notebook, which will be used weekly as we move through the year.
Students have been practising and demonstrating their knowledge of place value by pulling apart and renaming numbers. They have used expanded form and MAB blocks to explore how numbers are made and can be flexible.
Over the past few weeks, the Year 3’s have been on a nature walk to observe Country. Students have also learnt what Country is composed of - the land, water, sky, animals and people and how it is all connected. Students had the opportunity to respond to a mentor text (Welcome to Country) and practise their fine motor skills by creating a replica of ‘Country’ with playdoh.
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
This week our Year 3’s have been learning about friendship. We have completed activities around how to make a new friend with some students putting it into action out in the school yard already! We are also continuing to focus on what we think a good friend is, and continue to encourage Year 3 students to practise those skills both in and outside of the classroom.
Year 3 Teachers
Ashleigh Dodds (3AD), Mark Condon (3MC)/Juliet Smith, Sally Quinn (3SQ)