Student Awards & Achievements

Value of the Week

Assembly 14.02.2024

ClassStudent Detail

For demonstrating the school value of be a learner, contributing to class discussions and completing all tasks in a timely manner.


For your wonderful writing about bringing a pet to school. We were curious to see which ‘interesting’ pet you were going to choose to bring! 


For being respectful during discussion time on the mat. 


For demonstrating our school value ‘Be Responsible’ during reading Groups and our daily reviews. You ROCK Ari!


For sharing creative thinking to explain the relationship between the characters in the My Place text about Bunda’s life.


For demonstrating our school value ‘be a learner’ by always having a great attitude towards his learning. A great start to the year Rory, well done!


For demonstrating our School Value ‘Be a learner’ by staying on task and attentively listening to instructions during class time. An outstanding effort!


For your outstanding efforts towards your learning. Well done on your positive attitude in all learning tasks!


For using an original mathematical strategy and explaining his thinking to the class.


Class of the Week - 14.02.2024

French4AI For their enthusiasm and focus when learning the werewolf game in French this week.

Assembly 21.02.2024

ClassStudent Detail
1/2ARileyFor your kind and caring nature, helping others settle into the classroom.
1/2SOllyFor settling into your new school! You’ve worked really hard to understand the classroom expectations and routines. Well done, Olly! 
1/2BXavierFor respectfully sharing his ideas by putting his hand up and approaching all activities enthusiastically. 
3ADZaineFor being a problem solver during Maths this week! You have been passionate,inquisitive and focussed with a ‘never give up’ attitude towards renaming numbers. You’re a STAR Zaine!
3SQHolleyFor being a learner and exploring lots of different solutions during our maths sessions this week. You’re a star, Holley!
4AIStefanFor demonstrating our school value ‘Be Respectful’ by being a considerate friend, a focussed listener  and handling our animals with care and consideration. You are a super role model Stefan! 
4LSAlfieFor showing excellence when completing jobs at Carlsruhe, showing initiative and responsibility. Well done Alfie! 
4SMPoppyFor demonstrating our School Value ‘Be Respectful' by showing a caring and considerate attitude towards her peers. A wonderful start to the year Poppy.
5/6SLucienFor showing outstanding persistence while planning a train trip to the movies, well done!  
5/6CCarterFor writing an incredible hook in your narrative. What an amazing writer you are Carter!

Artist of the Week -  Assembly 21.02.2024

Year 2 students have been learning about the very first art - Cave Art.  

We looked at all the wonderful paintings of animals that have been found in caves and then drew our own animal cave pictures using charcoal and pastels.  Great work Year 2.

Our Star Artists are: Remi, Sid, Xabier, Milly, Tessa, Eleanor, Amelie, Remi, Roy, Maggie, Amelie


Class of the Week - 21.02.2024

French4 1/2B  For their great work learning numbers in French this week.