MECS Notes

Some Important Reminders from the Main Office
If your child is late to school they must be signed in at the Main Office by a parent/guardian. Here they will receive a sign in slip to hand to their teacher. Late students with mobile phones will need to hand them in at the office. Senior Secondary students will need to sign in at the Senior School office.
Please remember to add an attendance note for your child if they are absent from school for any reason. If you are unsure how to do this, please contact the Main Office or pop in and we can help you.
If you have arranged to pick up your child early due to an appointment, please ensure that your child and their teacher are aware by speaking with your child and emailing their teacher or the Main Office. Due to the size and nature of the school we cannot always retrieve students quickly at short notice.
It is a good idea to discuss with your child before school what the pick up arrangements are for the end of the day. Whilst we do our best, we do not always have the capacity to pass on messages regarding end of day arrangements.
Just a reminder that students are not to board a MECS bus unless they have a booking. If you or your student are unsure regarding this, please contact the Main Office.
MECS Administration
9738 6000