Dempsey's Digest
8 February 2024
Dempsey's Digest
8 February 2024
If you are new to the community, welcome! If you are a regular, welcome back! I have had a great time of settling in as the new Principal and am just overwhelmed by the warmth of this community. My previous job had me travelling, regularly, so I have very much enjoyed getting to know a large community over 2 locations (MECS and Ranges TEC). I just have to say, we are so blessed with the quality and creativity of the staff and the love they have for your child!
It’s been great to note that there has been a very settled start across the school with classes diving right into learning that is embedded in God’s big story.
Of course, prior to school kicking off, there have been many people hard at work, preparing for the students return. IT systems have been updated (look out for your FACTS login..), classrooms have been painted, tree limbs have been lopped and checked for safety and many other tasks have been attended to. Thanks to all those that work behind the scenes!
During our “work break” (a time for teachers at the end or beginning of term to immerse in planning and professional development for the term ahead), many teachers came together to develop a “deep hope” for this year.
A deep hope is that deep desire we have for ourselves or for our children. In the context of Christian Education, it’s been described in this way: “Deep hope represents why you followed the call to be a teacher in a Christian school. It aligns with the desires that parents have as they enrol their children in your school. It reflects the promises contained within your school’s mission and vision statement and points toward your place in God’s story.”(Teaching For Transformation, Canada)
I was so encouraged by so many of the Deep Hopes that many teachers engaged in creating. Here are some examples:
My deep hope is that students will develop and maintain a love for an active and healthy lifestyle, be dedicated and encouraged in the development of their skills and then participate wholeheartedly whilst reflecting the image of God.
My Deep Hope is for students to be so curious, and so passionate about God’s world and all there is to wonder, that they don’t even realise they’re doing ‘work’.
Know the Creator, Love creation, Reflect his creativity.
My Deep Hope is that each day I would realign myself with God's Holy Spirit, that I may see God's hand and sovereignty in every interaction, every lesson plan and every meeting. That I would learn how to discern his voice from the many and apply that to my role. My deepest hope is that students would see Christ when they see me.
I have also written a Deep Hope for this year:
Keep an eye out for communications from the school in relation to class news and upcoming events. It was great last week to see the Year 7s and 10s given their personal learning devices and to hear of the learning for the year ahead. Year 9 parents had the chance to engage in an immersive lesson, simulating what their kids will be experiencing in the year to come.
Make sure you check in with your child’s teacher or in the case of secondary, their pastoral care person if you have any concerns or questions.
May the Lord bless this term ahead with the richness of His grace.