
Keeping our school clean
Hello again, Kalinda students and families! The Sustainability Leaders, Issy and Layla here!
Today we are going to talk to you about our new Sustainability Awards.
We will team up with the Wildlife Warriors to look out for people doing a great job cleaning up our school. How it will work is if we see you doing a great job at picking up rubbish, we will put your name down and then we will award you with a certificate that you will be presented with at Assembly. Remember, the number of awards handed out may vary from week to week.
We would also like to remind classroom teachers and students to keep the bins out until the clean-up music has finished, and everyone has gone to class.
Now, to announce the awards for this week...
4D Shaarav G. - for doing the right thing and picking up rubbish when others didn’t!
5/6A Archie.G - for going out with our class bucket and tongs and cleaning up all the rubbish you saw!
Thank you.
Issy and Layla