From the Principal
Felicity Broughton
From the Principal
Felicity Broughton
Dear Families,
Welcome back! I apologise for the delay in getting the newsletter to you all but can you believe how busy the term has been already. From Cross Country to Alleluia Day and our ANZAC Ceremony, it has been a bit of a whirlwind. I hope the children have enjoyed the two shorter weeks, it certainly helps to make the long term a little better.
I know many of you were taking advantage of the student free day today and getting away for a long weekend. I hope the weather is kind to you wherever you are and that you enjoy your time together as a family. I wasn't as kind to the teachers - we are working today. Last year we introduced a Cranbourne Cluster Professional Learning Day, teaming up with St Agatha's and St Thomas the Apostle. Our focus was Inclusive Education. The day was such a great success that we decided to host another one, hence the student free day today.
Our staff were challenged in their thinking this morning by Maria Ruberto, a psychologist and neurobiolist, who got us thinking about how we approach anxiety and stress and some of the research behind these topics. Staff were then free to choose from a wide range of workshops to further develop their professional knowledge on Inclusive Education. These included learning about language, learning disabilities, gifted children as well as English as an Additional Language and supporting students who are from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island backgrounds.
By engaging in days like this, we have the opportunity to tap into experts and have professional conversations, all to enhance expert teacher practice in our classrooms.
I know some of you have grade 5 and 6 children who may be a little more anxious than normal becuase camp is getting closer. Please reassure them that feeling this way is perfectly normal, a fear of the unknown or new is something that we all experience and if they have concerns they can chat with a member of staff, either their class teacher or one of the other teachers attending camp.
Mother's Day Celebrations
Please keep Friday 10th May free - a formal invitation will come home soon but we ask that our Mums, Grandmothers and special ladies join us for our liturgy and morning tea on this date. It is always so wonderful to welcome members of the community to our masses and liturgies and we look forward to celebrating you all.
Another date to keep free is Monday 20th May - we will be hosting a Catholic Education Week liturgy, a time to gather and celebrate our faith, our school and our diocese.
A friendly reminder that by Monday of next week, 29th April, all students should have transitioned into winter uniform. If you have any queries or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.
This year we are using Instagram rather than our school Facebook page. Please note - this will not be replacing our newsletter, instead it will be for quick shares of achievements, events, news and reminders. It would be wonderful if you could follow us if you are an Instagram user.
Child Safety reminder - photographs or videos of children will not be shared on social media unless you have already completed the Photography and Recording Form giving permission.
You can find us on Instagram st_therese_cranbourne - our profile picture is our school logo.
Enjoy the rest of your long weekend! See you all on Monday.
Felicity Broughton