ANZAC Day Ceremony

On Wednesday, 1st May students from Year 2 to Year 6 came together to commemorate ANZAC Day. Our student leaders lead the school through a solemn ceremony that paid tribute to all those who have fought in wars.

Dozens of floral tributes were then placed under the flagpole in the school's ANZAC garden by the Student Representative Council before the Last Post was played and the students had a minute of silence to reflect on the day.

A huge thank you to Mr Carpenter and Ms Savva for their organisation of this event.

Smithfield RSL Dawn Service

In the early hours of April 25, 2024, Nina, one of our student leaders, attended the Smithfield RSL Dawn Service. It was with great pride that she laid a wreath on behalf of the whole school community to remember all lives lost in conflict. Thank you to Nina and her father and Mrs McCammond for attending the service as representatives of our school.

Lest We Forget.