Look Inside .. The Support Unit

The Support Unit consists of three classes with 20 students from Kindergarten to Year 6.  Working alongside 3 student learning and support officers, our students are achieving personalised learning goals through differentiated hands-on learning experiences.


 K -2 Orange have worked towards learning how to write their name and identifying letters and single sounds. We start our day with a morning circle routine and handwriting. This semester we are engaging in lessons on our individuality and fairy tales. We complete fine motor activities and are focusing on communicating our needs and wants. 


The students in 3-6 Lime had an excellent Term 1 and have started Term 2 with enthusiasm. Each student has an individual program tailored to their specific learning needs and although there is a strong focus on English and Mathematics, our dynamic class enjoys studying Science, History, Drama, PE and cooking. Working as team our students have made great progress in their academic and social skills so far this year and we are all looking forward to the adventures that we will share this term!



Throughout this week, the students of 3-6 Blue delved into the significance of ANZAC Day, immersing themselves in understanding why it is important to commemorate the sacrifices made by our soldiers. Exploring various mediums, they viewed and engaged with videos and stories to help them understand the depth of what ANZAC Day symbolizes. These activities not only provided historical context but also instilled a sense of empathy and reverence for those who have served and fallen in service of our country.

A pivotal moment during the week was the ANZAC Day ceremony held on the 1st of May. This ceremony served as a solemn reminder of the profound impact of war and the enduring legacy of those who answered the call of duty. 3-6 Blue created a poppy wreath to lay with our flowers to honour the memory of the fallen soldiers, ensuring that their sacrifices are never forgotten.

Furthermore, the students honoured the ANZAC tradition by baking ANZAC biscuits, a symbolic gesture that not only celebrates the ingenuity of wartime recipes but also serves as a tangible connection to the past. As they measured ingredients, mixed batter, and savoured the aroma of freshly baked biscuits, they were reminded of the simple comforts that soldiers cherished amidst the chaos of battle. Through this hands-on activity, the students paid homage to the resilience and camaraderie epitomized by the ANZAC spirit.

Overall, the week served as a journey of remembrance and reflection, allowing the students of 3-6 Blue to gain a deeper appreciation for the sacrifices of past generations and the enduring legacy of ANZAC Day. By engaging in meaningful activities and ceremonies, they not only honoured the memory of the fallen but also reaffirmed their commitment to preserving the values of courage, sacrifice, and unity for generations to come.