Student Learning

What is happening around the school

Foundation and Buddies Teddies Bear Picnic

On Friday 26th April, our Grade 5 and 6 students had a picnic with their Foundation buddies. The Foundation students got to wear their P'Js all day!



If you go down into Foundation you’ll be in for a big surprise… 


Last week we celebrated learning about all about our teddies and the sounds in the word Ted! We also used them in maths to measure and explore the language of length. Foundation loved seeing how many cubes long their teddies were.


The teddies were very cheeky and went exploring the school at night - we even found them having a party in Mr McClare's office!


We culminated the week by hosting a Teddy Bears picnic with our buddies. 



In Foundation we have been busy learning all about the THRASS chart and the phoneme boxes. We love to play THRASS Bingo!! In Maths, we have been busy counting, making, singing and dancing. 


On a Friday in Foundation, we have been writing sentences on whiteboards, we call this Dictation. We have learnt so many phonemes and letters!!



Grade 1 and Grade 2

Grade 2 has been exploring locations this week. We have focused on the language used to describe the location of an object as well as giving and listening to instructions. 


We created obstacle courses and then guided our partners to move a character through the obstacle course using location language.


This Term, as part of our History unit, the students in Grade 1 have been learning about how everyday objects have changed over time. We have had some wonderful hands-on experiences, with students bringing in a typewriter, phone, camera and radio from the ‘olden days’. We have had some great discussions about how and why these items have changed as time has passed. 



In Grade One, we have been learning about location and mapping in Mathematics. Firstly, we had fun creating obstacle courses. We were then responsible for using words to describe location and movement so that we could guide a peer and their chosen figurine, to follow our obstacle courses. Some of the chosen vocabulary words may have included: beside, through, under, over, left, right, forwards, backwards etc.



Grades 3 and 4

Grade 3 and 4 students have been enjoying their ‘Tech Time’ day. They are learning how to open, read and reply to emails, follow a schedule, log in to different applications, share their work with their teacher, improve their keyboard skills and make sure their laptop is plugged in to charge for the next use. 




Performing Arts News

All of the students from Foundation - Grade 4 are preparing for our upcoming incursion, Life Is A Bubble. We have been learning about the different sounds that the Guzheng, Erhu, and various percussion instruments make, and listening to music played by these instruments. Here are some photos of our Foundation students learning about short and long sounds, conducting "sound bubbles", and dancing to the different sounds that they can hear. 




In grade 1/2 we have been reading the Japanese story “Omusubi Kororin”. Students have been reenacting the story including the roles of Ojiisan and Obaasan (Grandma and Grandpa) and the friendly Nezumi (mice) that make the mochi. 


It’s Children’s Day on the 5th of May in Japan to celebrate children’s growth and health.

Foundation classes made Samurai helmets with some lovely Grade 3 helpers.

Kalinda students love Kendama, surely a chance to see an amazing Kendama performance! Grade 3 and 4 students’ work will be displayed as they participate in the Japanese picture postcard competition of the Japan festival. 

There will be giveaway books for you to take home. I hope to see many Kalinda families at the festival. There will be a lot of Japanese food stands, too!