Specialists Wonga Weekly

Week 5, Term 2

Physical Education

Prep PE

Students will continue to practice the fundamental movement skills of leaping and dodging, with the added focus of maintaining balance. They will consider how the position of their arms assists with these skills. 


Prep Sensory

Students will participate in rotational activities with the focus of improving their core strength, balance and ability to work in a small group.


Grade 1 and 2

Our focus will continue to be on refining and practicing leaping and dodging within small group games and activities. Students will also be challenged to complete activities requiring collaboration and teamwork.


Grade 3 and 4

We will continue to explore the sport of Netball, with a focus on the correct technique for passing, pivoting and shooting.


Grade 5 and 6

Students will enjoy a modified game of Netball, in which they will be encouraged to monitor their court position while working with teammates. They will participate in specific drills focused on improving their passing, shooting and pivoting.


This week students will continue to work on their Term 2 Learning Snapshot.  

Grade 1 and 2 are working on their animal classification cards. 

Grade 3 and 4 are completing their fictional animal lifecycle and habitat. 

Grade 5 and 6 are completing their ecosystem and food web, 

Please check Showbie at the end of the week to see what your child has been working on.  


Performing Arts

🎵 Prep

Students are continuing to engage in First Nations music to explore beat patterns, singing and movement. They will begin to learn an 'Acknowledgment of Country' song with movements. Students will  continue practising using clapsticks to play beat patterns in another First Nations song they are learning. 


🎤 Grade 1 and 2

Students are continuing to investigate the musical element of ‘pitch’. They will experience pitch getting high and getting lower through singing and playing the xylophone. They will use pictures to arrange and show how sounds can move up and down. 


🎶 Grade 3 and 4

Students are continuing to develop characters using voice and movement. They will use a script to bring their characters to life and to explore the drama element of relationship as they respond to other characters in the scene.


🎭 Grade 5 and 6

Students will be working together to bring the puppet they made last week to life. They will choose something they know really well (eg. ballet, swimming etc.) to 'copy from life', incorporating as much detail and specificity into the puppet.