Year 9 Term 1 Overview
Year 9 - Term 2 curriculum
In Term 2, students will analyse different types of poetry such as Indigenous poetry, songs, Shakespeare, war poetry, and slam poetry. Students will explore the use of evocative vocabularies and innovative structure of poetry and understand how the poets create symbolic meanings and effects through various poetic devices. They will develop their emotional responses of poetry and create their own modern adaptations of ancient poetry. Towards the end of the term, students will write a piece of slam poetry and be given the opportunity to present it in front of the class.
In Term 2, students will be exploring the unit statement ‘How can we empower minority groups?’ as a means of underpinning their Civics and Citizenship unit. Students will explore the Indigenous civil rights movement and compare those significant events and challenges to America’s Civil Rights Movement. They will develop an understanding of histiography by partaking in a range of source analysis tasks. The unit will conclude with an inquiry project in which they will create a modern political campaign that considers the effects of propaganda, media control and censorship.
In Term 2 students will be exploring the domains of measurement and trigonometry, with the addition of commencing study of linear equations. They will be engaging in topics such as Surface Area, Volume, Pythagoras’ Theorem, Trigonometric Ratios and quadratics. Students will gain an understanding of the difference between calculating surface area and volume for a variety of different prisms (3D). They will be exploring the relationship between Pythagoras and Trigonometric ratios to solve trigonometric problems. Students will begin to investigate the relationship between linear equations, quadratics and parabolas which will continue into Term 3.
In Term 2 students will be exploring the domain of physical sciences. They will be engaging in topics such as electricity and forces. Students will gain an understanding of the difference between static and current electricity. They will be exploring the relationship between current, voltage and resistance in parallel and series circuits. Students will be investigating the properties of components such as LEDs, temperature and light sensors by constructing their own circuits. Students will be exploring the topic of forces. During this they will recognise that a stationary object, or a moving object with a constant motion, has balanced forces acting on it. Students will be gathering data to analyze everyday motion produced by forces, for example, measurements of distance and time, velocity, mass, acceleration and force. Students will investigate the effects of applying forces, including earth's gravity on familiar objects.
The Technologies:
In Term 2, students will be exploring food specialization and food and fiber production, as well as developing basic cooking skills. Students will be investigating different dietary requirements and how to modify recipes to accommodate them while still ensuring the meal is balanced and nutritious. Students will develop proficiencies in using kitchen equipment and chopping skills. Students will be examining the marketing chain of products and outlining the effect of product processing on demand and price.