Parents and Friends Association

Movie Night
This year's Movie Night is scheduled for Friday 24th May in our Community Hall.
Our Feature Movie will be Wonka
Official Ticket Order Forms were sent home last week Please complete the order form and return it to the school office with correct money by Friday 17th May.
On the night doors will open at 6:00 pm sharp.
Upon arrival, children will receive popcorn and ice cream and get seated for the movie. Children are to be collected from the Community Hall at 8:00 pm sharp.
Please remember this is a 'child only' and a
'mobile free' event for Corpus Christi students.
Save the Date
You asked, we listened! The Corpus Christi School Parents and Friends Association (PFA) invite you to save the date for the Corpus Christi School Trivia Night!
Get ready for a night of friendly competition as parents, teachers and friends take on one another for ultimate bragging rights. Form a team with friends or join one on the night. Connect with fellow parents or make some new friends.
This is the biggest fundraiser of the year for the PFA – come and support your fellow parents and help raise funds for the school all while having a great night!
Date: Friday 15 November
Where: Corpus Christi School Hall
Compete for exciting prizes, fun games on the night, silent auctions and more! Save the date, gather your team, and let's make this a night to remember! More details to come. You won't want to miss it.
Kind Regards
PFA 2024