From the Principal's Desk

Mothers' Day Brekky and Stall
Don't forget our Mothers' Day Breakfast and stall this Friday.
Breakfast will be served between 8:00am and 8:45am in the gathering space. Our stall will operate between 9:00am and 11:00am and each class group will be timetabled go attend throughout the morning. Gifts range between $1-$6 and it is up to each family to decide what is an appropriate amount of money to send with your children.
Thank you to all parents who volunteered to assist with either the breakfast or the stall. Those required to help should have been contacted by now.
Movie Night
This year's Movie Night is scheduled for Friday 24th May in our Community Hall.
Our Feature Movie will be Wonka.
Official Ticket Order Forms were sent home last week. Please complete the order form and return it to the school office with correct money by Friday 17th May.
On the night doors will open at 6:00 pm sharp.
Upon arrival, children will receive popcorn and ice cream and get seated for the movie. Children are to be collected from the Community Hall at 8:00 pm sharp.
Please remember this is a 'child only' and a
'mobile free' event for Corpus Christi students.
Footy Tipping
A reminder that all Footy Tipping Money is now overdue.
Please pay at the school office ASAP!
Fees and Levies
This week all families would have received an up-to-date Fee and Levy Statement. Unless you have set up a payment plan, the Individual Pupil Levy and the First Term Instalment should now have been paid.
A reminder that the Second Term Instalment along with the Capital Levy are due by 28th June.
Special Lunch Day
Thank you to our wonderful parent helpers who fed the hungry hordes with a feast of Hot Dogs on Monday. No chance of anyone going hungry!
Have a wonderful week,
God bless
Anthony Hyde