Level 2: Connect

Welcome back to Term 2
We hope you had a wonderful break filled with adventures and cherished moments. We're excited to dive into a new term together, filled with learning, growth, and fun experiences ahead!
Looking ahead...
Writing and Reading
In our recent literacy lessons, students have been honing their skills in creative writing, learning to craft sentences with descriptive action that truly bring their words to life. Building on this newfound ability, we are excited to embark on a new unit exploring the narrative structure of Indigenous Dreaming stories. Throughout this unit, students will delve into the significance of Dreaming stories in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, gaining a deeper understanding of their importance. Through engaging, hands-on activities, students will explore a diverse range of Dreaming stories, connecting with them on a personal level. Each lesson is designed to stand alone or complement other texts, offering flexibility and the opportunity for further exploration. Our essential question guiding this journey is: Why are Dreaming stories important to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and what can we learn from them? We look forward to the rich discussions and discoveries ahead!
What an exciting term we have ahead in Mathematics!
Over the next two weeks, the level 2 student will be diving into the world of 2D /3D shapes as well as collecting survey data which they will use to create their own personal bar graphs!
We will discuss where we find 2D/3D shapes in the real world, including gaining a deeper understanding of important language, such as: vertices, edges and faces. After this, students will create their own 3D shapes from different resources in their classrooms to help them understand all of the unique facets of their shapes.
Students will also start to create their own survey questions to help collect data to place in tables and bar graphs! Once they have their graphs, they will start to analyse their data to help answer key questions and make accurate conclusions about their survey topics!
Hope everyone has a great fortnight at SEPS!!