Level 1: Connect

Welcome back to Term 2! We hope that all families had a restful break.


Unfortunately for the Level 1 team, Mr Daley has had be taken out of the classroom to fill the role of Assistant Principal for Term 2. While this is a great opportunity for Sean, we will miss him! However, we are super lucky to welcome Mr Anthony Klvac to our team! Anthony will be well known with some of our families who have older children. For those who don't, Anthony has been apart of the SEPS team for about 10 years. He is a much loved teacher amongst the students and SEPS teachers and we are excited that he has agreed to take on the job sharing role with Suzanne Condran. Anthony also comes with a little side kick- Tommy the therapy dog. Tommy is a trained school therapy dog and he has been in his role for a number of years. Tommy will be introduced to the class in the coming weeks. 


Buddy Lunch

Students love having lunch with their buddies every Wednesday. Every second Wednesday we get together with the Grade 6 buddies for a Literacy session. This week we all read a book called 'Anzac Ted' and then created a bear with some words of thanks to the soldiers who fought, and still fight, for our country. These are on display in the stadium.



Developmental Play

Students enjoyed returning to Developmental Play this term. The Vet, Salon and building stations have been very popular. 




The past 2 weeks we have focused on:

  • Heart Words - would, could, should, your, four, they
  • Phonemes - nk as in sank and -ck as in duck ( we use -ck at the end of a short word, following a short vowel sound)
  • We have been learning about what a base word, suffix and prefix ar.

Literacy coming up:

  • Heart Words - round, about, around, again, today, going
  • Phonemes - –dge as in bridge (at the end of a short word (one syllable) after a short vowel sound. The d is silent). –tch as in witch (at the end of a short word (one syllable) after a short vowel sound. The t is silent).
  • Morphology learning: The suffix -ed adds the meaning "in the past" to words, for example: A few days ago she walked her dog. The suffix -ing adds the meaning “still going on,” as in: She is walking her dog today.



In the beginning weeks of term 2, we have been exploring a range of mathematical concepts including:

  • Identifying outcomes of chance experiments using appropriate language
  • Describing durations of events using months, day, hours and minutes 
  • Partitioning (dividing numbers)  
  • Solving simple addition and subtraction problems

We are so proud of our Level 1 learners for always throwing themselves wholeheartedly into the learning pit! (metaphorical, of course!) 




This term in Weeks 1-3 students will be learning about information texts - 

  • Difference between non-fiction and fiction text
  • Features of an information text (e.g. - table of contents, glossary, diagrams, tables, charts)
  • Technical vocabulary (e.g. - an information text about baking might include words like 'whisk', 'oven', 'bake', 'sift'.)
  • Writing factual sentences











Students enjoyed learning how to make dumplings with Mr. Marco. Thank you to our parent helpers who came along!

We look forward to another great fortnight of learning!


Leon, Nishtha, Suzanne and Anthony