Foundation: Connect

Weeks 8 and 9

What a great start we have had to Term 2 in Foundation. Students really are settling back into school so well.


For Inquiry this term we are looking at ‘Where We Are in Place and Time’. We are looking into what makes our families special and unique. We took a dive look into our family tree and creating our very own. This made us reflect on how similar and different families can be to one another. 


In Literacy, we have learnt 4 more new letters and sounds. These being h, c, g and d. This is continuing on from the letters learnt in Term 1 being the letters and sounds of s/a/t/p/i/n/b/l/f/u/m/r.  We also read ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ and used a sentence stem when responding to the story. We are starting to explore the meaning of capital letters and full stops and why they are important.


In Numeracy, we have been looking at vocabulary around sequencing our day, for example; morning, afternoon and evening. We have also began to look at addition. We learnt a game called ‘Berry Bush’ so you might like to ask your child to play this game and have them explain it to you.


Parent Helpers:

Commencing Week 3 of Term 2, the Foundation Team will have a roster for Parent Helpers to assist in the classroom. Here, you'll have the opportunity to practise one-on-one literacy skills with the children, aiding in their development and growth. These sessions will run for 45 minutes to 1 hour. They will involve listening to students read, reading to students, and fluency of flash cards including sounds or heart words.

If you are available to help with this on a Tuesday or Thursday morning, let your child’s classroom teacher know and we can allocate you a time to help.

Please refer to the below for additional information around parent helpers which was posted to Compass earlier this week.