Principal's Report  

Jane Briffa | Principal

Dear SEPS Families, 

Welcome back to Term 2.  It is hard to believe that we have only been back a week and a bit. It has been full steam ahead since our return. 



Teaching is often related to studies in medicine as it is a transformative practice that requires deep understanding and a commitment to continuous learning. Like doctors, teachers must tailor their approaches to meet the needs of each individual, understanding that what works for one student may not work for another. For this reason, our staff of professional practitioners are always learning. To do so, we operate as a professional learning community and meet every Tuesday as a staff to inquire into problems of practice based on our diagnostic assessments and data. Last term we focussed on numeracy and school wide positive behaviours (SWPBS). This term we will continue our work on SWPBS and focus specifically on reading assessment and the impact on learning. During this time, we work collaboratively to engage in professional reading, trial new initiatives and learn from each other. I am privileged as the principal of SEPS to lead this work with such an inspiring and passionate staff.  Further information can be found under Teaching & Learning in this newsletter.


SEPS SOCIAL         

A huge thank to all of our parents who nominated to be the class reps this year. The SEPS Social group are now up and running and will be in touch with reminders and call outs for upcoming events. We are hoping to bring back some fun community events and are open to all ideas. I would also like to thank everyone who may not want to join the committee but are happy to offer some time to help out at different events. Please make sure you read the SEPS Social tab so that you have all the latest information.

Hunger Busters started back last Friday afternoon with 6A families leading the way. The lamingtons looked delicious! Danielle will send a reminder to the class reps when your week is coming up. We look forward to 6B hosting the event next week.        



Thank you to everyone for their very well-received second-hand uniform items and also to our volunteers who oversee the organisation and sale of items. This is a valued service that is utilised by many of our families. If you could please ensure that when donating uniform items, they’re in saleable condition no holes/stains, and washed, it will help our volunteer team when sorting items.

Thank you also to everyone who responded to the uniform survey that we sent out on Compass. We will present all feedback at the next School Council meeting and communicate the responses to a uniform update in future newsletters.  



On Saturday I had the pleasure of being invited to the opening of the new school year at the Japanese Saturday College that is held here at SEPS each week. Japanese Saturday School stands as a beacon of Japanese language and culture in our community, offering a unique opportunity for students to connect with their heritage, and cultivate lifelong skills that will serve them well into the future. It is an honour to host this at our school. I believe that it fosters a spirit of inclusivity and diversity that lies at the heart of our values as a school community. I learnt that this college is only one of two in Melbourne that is identified by the Japanese education department. It was a very special occasion for the parents, teachers and students of the college. On behalf of our school community, I was able to wish them all a wonderful year ahead.  


Wishing you all a wonderful fortnight ahead.  

Jane Briffa