Teaching and Learning

By Trudy Gau

Welcome to my 'Teaching and Learning' page,

It's wonderful to be back at school and see all the wonderful teaching and learning that is taking place across the school.


Each fortnight, I will include some of the additional learning experiences that our students and staff get to experience, as well as a platform to share some of the work that our staff are doing to ensure every child is learning and making growth. 


Melbourne Legacy's 92 Annual ANZAC Commemoration

Last Friday, I got to accompany our School Captains and School Council Presidents to join other schools commemorating our ANZACs. We took the train into the city and walked to the Shrine of Remembrance. Our students got to learn about the importance of remembering those people who fought in WW1 and the sacrifices they made to ensure we get to live a peaceful life in Australia.  









Victorian High Ability Program

I would like to congratulate the following students who have been selected to participate in the VHAP program this term.

Maths:  Oli T, Alex L, Liv H, Charles B and Sunny W

English: Imogen B, Tessa J, Nate H, Scarlett W and Jason V


Congratulations to the following students for completing the program last term. I look forward to handing out their certificates at assembly on Monday.

Maths:  Nate H and Roman I

English:  Sophia B, Archie C and Julian F


Leadership Meeting

Last week, our leadership team (staff) got to work with the SEIL (Senior Education  Improvement Leader) on ways that we can continue to improve the teaching and learning as well as the wellbeing of all community members at SEPS. It was amazing to see some of the words used to describe our school vision and what we value.








Professional Learning Communities

Each term our staff use data to identify an area for improvement across the school. In Term One, classroom teachers used some maths data to identify an area of place value that students had shown a lack of understanding. Teachers then began an inquiry cycle that involved changing a current practice and then measuring the impact of their work. At the end of the term, the teachers then presented their work and findings to the whole staff, giving staff a chance to learn from one another.

Our Specialist staff, used the Attitudes to School Survey data to identify an area to focus on - this involved providing green cards to students who were demonstrating excellent behaviour and attitudes during specialist classes. Term One saw the Specialist trial this with four L56 classes. It was such a success, that we look forward to this being rolled out across all L56 

classes during Specialist sessions.

This term, our PLC focus will be around reading.










I’m excited to inform you that we will start our parent-helper program this term. The aim is to provide both English and Maths intervention across the schools. If you are interested in volunteering some of your time to work 1:1 with students, we would love your help. Please make yourself available for the following 2 sessions to learn more:

Tuesday 30th April from 3 – 3:30 pm (covering the legalities and expectations when working in a school)

Tuesday 7th May from 3 – 3:30 pm (how to implement the intervention programs)

If you don’t already have a working with children check, please begin the process here: https://www.vic.gov.au/working-with-children-check

We are looking forward to seeing you.

To register your interest please click the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Y5KK2C3


Please note: If you attended the parent helper information session last year, you only need to attend the 2nd session this time.