Level 6: Connect

Kristy Cullen, Kym Seccull, Richelle Fraser & Anthony Klvac 

🔆Welcome back to Term 2🔆


This is a long term of 11 weeks which includes assessments and reports. Classes have rotated into new learning spaces and settled well, which is pleasing to report. 


Respectful Relationships ✌️

We commenced the term with a focus on Self Compassion. Students were taught the difference between self-pity and self-compassion, highlighting that it is important to look at the size of a challenge in relation to achievement, rather than just the outcome. We also looked further into Responsibility. We want our students to strive to be their personal best, so it is vital they understand the role they play in various contexts. Do they participate in collective responsibility at home? Within the classroom? Are they aware of the many personal responsibilities they have throughout the day? 



This term homework will consist of reading, an inquiry based activity and a maths revision sheet. There are two maths sheets, so if the sheet your child has brought home is too difficult please let us know. The maths sheet will be corrected in class on the due date and misunderstandings will be taught. Feel free to help your child, however teachers will revise the questions in class. Mathletics will be used in class, however there are assigned tasks that your child could complete.


Literacy 📖

The theme for the first two week's of term has been Anzac Day. Students have been analysing a soldier's diary, juxtaposing different character's perspectives when listening to a story about the Anzac v Turkish perspectives of the Galliopli landing. They have also used multi modal text to research various Anzac Day traditions. Finally, this week they used the rich vocabulary that they have been exposed to to create Diamante Poems.

Next week and week 4, we will extend and refine our research skills by looking at different sources, analysing and writing information texts, and learning how to reference information. This will help students prepare for their next inquiry project. We encourage students to spend some of their reading homework exploring non fiction texts.


Maths 🧮

We have commenced the term with an in-depth study into fractions. The mathematical skills we are focussing on include placing fractions on a number line, finding fractions of a quantity and adding fractions. We are applying these skills when solving worded problems.


Weeks 3 and 4 will focus on fractions, multiplication, division and probability.


Inquiry 👀

This term the inquiry focus is Where we are in place and time? (Geography and History) This is an inquiry into orientation in place and time, personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between the inter connectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.  The students have been introduced into the three inquiry questions, which are:

  1. History – What factors have led to the movement of people in the past?
  2. Geography - How have people influenced the environmental characteristics of places?
  3. Geography - What are factors that influence the location and characteristics of places?

We're thrilled to dive into the captivating history of Australia and explore the intricate movements of its people, along with their profound impact on the land. Moreover, our students have embarked on a new Education Research Project for the term. They have the exciting task of selecting a country participating in the 2024 Paris Olympics, delving into its rich historical and geographical landscape. This journey promises to be both enlightening and engaging as they uncover fascinating insights about their chosen nation.


Cyber safety 📲

In Cyber Safety this term we will be focusing on making safe and informed choices online. The focus for the term will be on 'Integrity' and their responsibility online. Some of the topics in the next couple of weeks focus on ethical side of online, and how students can be sensible and respectful ways to overcome online challenges. 


Sport 🏀

We are so excited for the winter interschool sport. The students have had a taste of their new sport with their first training session in week 1. The year 6 students' have been excellent leaders in their teams and providing the year 5 students with support in learning the rules and game play. 


The first round against other schools will commence in week 3 against Brighton Beach. Some sports will require parent helpers to cater for ratio numbers, please let your childs' winter sport teacher know if you are able to help out, we greatly appreciate your assistance. 


A reminder that school Cross Country is on the 2nd of May. 


Hunger Buster Reminders 

6B - Week 3 - 2nd of May                       

6C - Week 4 - 10th of May 


Important Level 6 dates for your calendar:

  • Homework due - Monday 29th of April 
  • Science Captains, School Captains and Environmental Captains go to Healthy Beaches incursion/excursion - Wednesday 1st of May 
  • Cross Country - Thursday 2nd of May
  • i sea, i care, Peer Teaching Workshop - Friday 3rd of May
  • Year 7 Enrolment Forms due back at school - Friday 10th of May
  • Camp Rumbug - Wednesday the 14th to Friday the 16th of August

Wishing you all a fantastic fortnight ahead,

The Level 6 Teaching Team