Level 5: Connect

5A Michelle Stainforth, 5B Joshua Miller, 5C Michael Day 

Welcome back to Term 2

The Grade 5 Team hopes that everyone in Level 5 had a relaxing, enjoyable and memorable Term 1 holiday, and is rejuvenated, ready for Term 2!




The novel 'Wonder' by P.J Palacio is the central focus for our Reading and Writing this Term. Students across the cohort come together every Monday to read sections of the text, then return to their classroom to discuss, decode and use the author's writing style to upskill and improve their writing. The students are resonating with the key themes of Kindness, Friendship and Empathy, leading to conversations about our Wellbeing focuses. 




Decimals and Place Value are the key focus areas in Maths to kickstart Term 2. Students are using a range of tools to assist them in solving word problems using decimals, as well as ordering and converting decimals based on their value. Group work and timely feedback by teachers are improving learning outcomes, watching students confidently answer questions in class. 




'Our choices about food, movement, sleep and leisure time activities impact our health and wellbeing.'

Healthy life choices is Level 5's second inquiry focus for the year. Leading into the Olympic season, students are exploring food groups, learning to decipher the difference between everyday food groups and sometimes food groups, how these impact our bodies' functionality and what different levels of physical activity can do for our bodies to function optimally. Students are fascinated by the complex bodily systems we take for granted, and are eager to explore and understand the effect of these, in connection with all other systems. 



Cyber safety 

Continuing from last Term, students are being informed about appropriate and safe online use. Students engaged in conversation that even though they shouldn't have social media yet, when they are given the responsibility of online media access, they will have the tools and knowledge to behave and interact in a socially responsible manner. 




We are so excited about the Winter Interschool Sport. The students have had a taste of their new sport with their first training session in Week 1.


The first round against other schools will commence in Week 3 against Brighton Beach. 


If any parents can assist with Interschool Sport, please let your child's coach know via email. 


A reminder that school Cross Country is on the 2nd of May.