Level 4: Connect

Welcome Back to Term 2
Welcome back to our Level 4 students and families. We have hit the ground running and are ready for a busy and productive term ahead.
Thursday 2nd May - Cross Country
Please check COMPASS for reminders and information in preparation for this exciting event.
Homework has also recommenced this term. Please review the homework expectations with your child and support them to complete their tasks each week. The next round of homework will be reissued this coming Monday and will be due the following Wednesday.
During Literacy, we have been exploring the features of non-fiction texts and information reports. Students will continue to apply these understandings to the structure of a reports and assist them with writing their own information reports which includes headings, sub-headings, diagrams, glossaries and interesting facts and information.
We will continue to explore strategies to assist us with monitoring our understanding and meaning of a text. By identifying what we know, we challenge our thinking and and learn new facts and information.
Next week, all three Level 4 classes will introduce our new class serial, Figgy in the World- a wonderful book about the adventures of a young girl in Ghana as she travels the country meeting a myriad of interesting characters.
We have commenced the term investigating multiplication. In the next fortnight, the students will continue to engage in a range of hands on experiences and games to help explore this concept. We will continue to use a range of mental strategies such as partitioning, known facts and decomposing to assist with solving a range of problems. Students will also continue to work of building their confidence and fluency with their time tables.
Over the next few weeks, students will be involved in many activities relating to time. These include the reading of analogue and digital clocks and converting between units of time.
This term, our unit of inquiry is History- namely the remembrance, commemorations and celebrations of people in our community. Our learning intentions for the term include:
Learning Intention 1 – To explore and explain the history and diversity of our local and wider community.
Learning Intention 2 – To understand that events of the past and people in history bring about change over time.
Learning Intention 3 – To describe the significance of Australian celebrations, commemorations, symbols and emblems.
Towards the middle and end of term, students will have the opportunity to showcase their understandings of history through an inquiry based project of their choosing. More to come over the following weeks...
We hope everyone has a lovely long weekend. See you back in a fortnight.
The Level 4 Team.