Level 3: Connect

Claire Parsons, Jana Hain / Lizzie Parmar, Eileen Thompson / Amanda Stanford

Dear Grade 3 Families,


Welcome back to Term 2! We are excited about the term ahead and hope you are too!


Literacy: Over the past two weeks, our focus in spelling has been on 'ck' words and the suffix 'ly', along with understanding the rules associated with these spelling choices. Students have also been engaged in our new spelling program, Spelling Mastery! Our reading groups have started off strong, providing challenging yet appropriate material for our students. We have also begun exploring a new mentor text this term called A Rock is Lively, which has been an intriguing read so far. We have spent some time practicing handwriting in preparation for cursive writing.



Maths: In Maths, we have been concentrating on addition strategies. This includes bridging to 100, breaking down larger numbers into smaller parts through decomposing, as well as partitioning to aid addition. We've been using number lines and practicing the split strategy (below) to enhance our understanding. We have also explored how rounding can help us with addition. 



Inquiry: For our sustainability focus this term, we have been learning about renewable and non-renewable resources and where they come from, as well as how we use raw materials in the present day. 


Cyber Safety: Students are learning the importance of creating long, strong passwords that are easy to remember to ensure our online safety.


Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships: We’ve been getting to know each other through games and identifying some ways we are the same, and some ways we are different, and why that’s ok! 


Gardening and Cooking: Students have already begun assisting Mr. Marco with tending to the gardens and chicken pens, continuing our exploration of nature and food.


Looking Ahead


Fun Day: Our Grade 3 Fun Day is coming up on Tuesday 30th May 2024, at Enchanted Adventure! Please ensure students wear closed-toe shoes and dress appropriately for the weather. Don't forget to pack snacks, lunch, and a drink bottle.


Cross Country: All students in Levels 3 – 6 will participate in the annual SEPS Cross Country House Carnival on Thursday, May 2nd, 2024. The event will be held at Spring Street Reserve. Students should arrive at school ready for roll marking at 9am, then walk with their teacher to the reserve. We expect all students to participate in this event.


Literacy: We will be looking at how the author of A Rock is Lively constructs the text, analysing grammar, punctuation, and word choice. Exploring facts about rocks and landforms, and summarising factual information using diagrams and key points. In reading groups, students will continue to focus on reading and comprehension strategies.


Maths: We will be exploring fact families and the relationship between addition and subtraction, as well as further exploring strategies to support students in solving problems.


Inquiry: Students will begin to investigate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' views about sustainability.


Cyber Safety: Students will be learning to stop and consider their actions before posting anything online.


Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships: Students will investigate how emotional responses vary in depth and strength, what situations can lead to strong emotion and how this can differ from person to person. 


We look forward to a productive and enjoyable fortnight ahead!