Principal's Message

As we celebrated Mother’s Day on Sunday, I hope you found time to reflect on those influential women in your lives. Now, more than ever we need to support, respect and be thankful to the women who help shape your lives and touch our hearts.
The Mother’s Day celebrations last Thursday and Friday at St Martins were a very special time for our school community.
On Thursday, our day started with a delicious Mother’s Day breakfast that was organised by the teachers and enjoyed by over 200 mums and special guests (and students too). After breakfast our mums, grandmas and special people were invited into the church where the Yr 1/2A lead us in a prayer celebration.
On Friday our students enjoyed purchasing the many exciting gifts that were made available from our PIP committee who organised the Mothers’ Day stall. I hope everyone enjoyed their gifts on Sunday morning.
A big thank you to our mums, grandmas, aunts and special friends that joined our celebrations last week. Your children will value and respect their school in direct correlation to your view (researched based findings) if you want your children to thrive at school then your attitudes and actions set the tone for their success.
I believe we all strive to ensure our students' time at SMDP is highly successful, full of opportunities for growth, personal challenges and creating joyful lifetime memories.
Important Traffic Management
We believe at SMDP that we have created a safe and working system to drop and pick up our students traveling by car. We need all drivers to follow these rules for the safety of all our students.
When parents follow these school management traffic rules this system works!
I have included a map below to remind drivers that the school should be approached in the direction of the arrows. When coming up Bladin street into Hillman and right hand turn into Bellin then left hand turn into the school. When leaving the school turn left into Bellin street and right into Campbell street.
When entering the school and you are dropping your child off at our ‘Drop Off Zone’, no parents should be exiting their car. This is a ‘Drop Off’ Zone only. Cars that park in this area prevent the flow of traffic.
If you decide to park in our car park to walk your child into school, please be aware that the left hand of the car park is staff parking only. I would also suggest parking in either Pearce Street or Campbell Streets to walk your child/children safely into school.
- No right hand turns in or out of the school.
- School Car Park - Only park in the spaces provided. If the car park is full you must park in Pearce or Campbell streets. Do not park in unlined areas
- Do not park in the No Parking area across the road from the school gates as this blocks the traffic flow and you may be fined
Our student safety is paramount. This week, I witnessed some ‘near misses’. It is time for everyone to follow our school road management rules to ensure our students are not at risk.
Enjoy the rest of the week.
Dan Ryan
St Martin de Porres Primary School is committed to creating an environment where the safety, well-being, and participation of all children within our care is paramount.
Parents in Partnership (PIP) Group
Our Parents and Friends committee at SMDP is called PIP - Parents in Partnership.
The purpose of our PIP is to
- fundraise for our school
- build school community
It is a small group of active parents that work hard to achieve fun and memorable school events. Some of these included our Easter Egg Raffle and our Mother’s and Father’s Day Stall. These meetings are either face to face or online throughout the year.
The next meeting for 2024 will be held on Tuesday 21st May at 6:30pm online.
PIP Meeting 6:30pm online Dan
Tuesday, May 21 · 6:30 – 7:30pm
Time zone: Australia/Sydney
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: Or dial: (US) +1 216-930-0710 PIN: 221 156 070#
I invite any mum, dad, guardian or grandparent who are interested to join this meeting. We are always after some new faces. It will only go for an hour.
2024 - School Closure Days
Listed below are our school closure days for 2024. These are student-free days. Staff use these days to develop their learning further and keep informed with current practices and procedures.
Friday 28th June | Learning Conversations |
Monday 4th November | Report Preparation and Writing Day |
Friday 6th December | Whole School Planning Day for 2025 |
NOTE: These dates may be subject to change that may be outside of our control.