Foundation Learning Community
The Foundation students have had an amazing start to Term 2 and have come back into our learning space ready to learn. Over the next couple of weeks your children will be bringing home decodable readers in their home practise folders. These decodable readers have words in them that include all our stage one sounds the children have learnt.
During our lessons we have been encouraging the children to chop and slide their CVC words. This is when the children chop each sound in the word then slide to put the sounds together and make the word. We are asking that you encourage your child to chop and slide any CVC words they cannot read automatically in their book they bring home. Another way to practise this skill is to take off the letters on your child’s keyring and make your own CVC words, consonant, vowel, consonant e.g CAT. The words can also be made up nonsense words as long as they have the vowel sound in the middle.
This term our inquiry topic is History and we will be learning all about our family history. We are asking that each child brings in a photo of themselves as a baby. If these could come in as soon as possible that would be great! We are excited to learn and share all about our different families!