Tasmania Tour

Huge thanks to Ann Bellingham for putting together a fantastic itinerary, and experience for Middle School students to make the most of. Ann, along with Chris, Leonard and Hannah chaperoned the students for 5 days as they all toured Tasmania via a quick stop in Melbourne. Highlights of the trip included The Port Arthur Historic Site, Cataract Gorge, the Devil's Kitchen and Tasman Arch, Hastings Caves and Thermal Pools, the Tahune Airwalk, many towns and Hobart city. Students also experienced travelling on an overnight ferry to Devonport and a flight home to Melbourne.

A big thankyou to these 4 legends who travelled with the students.
A big thankyou to these 4 legends who travelled with the students.


A summary of the first few days - Hannah Little (staff).

We travelled to Melbourne via bus and train. Explored and ate before heading to Geelong via train and bus. Taking the Spirit of Tasmania to Devonport was great and full of entertainment, until we hit some swell; some of us got a bit queasy. We woke up early to disembark, and once off the boat we met Brett - our coach driver. He took us straight to Sheffield for breaky and a mural tour. 


In Launceston we visited Cataract Gorge, the monkeys and had some lunch. It wasn't long before we travelled to Hobart via some cute historical stops along the way. We squeezed in a bus tour of Hobart, Mt Nelson lookout and dinner before we arrived at our accommodation and sleep! 

Students report they enjoyed their time in Tasmania. Can you believe the group fitted in a bowling game while in Melbourne on their travel day? As well as some time to shop!

"We had to make sure we didn't spend too much money in Melbourne, so there would be some left for Tasmania"

"We got to navigate through Melbourne and didn't get lost"

"Brett - the bus driver was amazing" (he met them as they got off the ferry and took them everywhere, until dropping them at the airport)

"The caves were cool, I really liked the formations and seeing the stalactites and stalagmites"

"It was important to know how many meals we had to buy ourselves, and follow a budget so we had enough money for them"

"We went to see monkeys in a park at Launceston"

"We had breakfast at a motel in Port Arthur, with an amazing view of the historical sight"

"Highlights for me were, the ferry over there, the Ghost Tour and hanging out with my friends"

"Port Arthur was really good, learning about the history made it interesting"

"I would go again, if I had the chance and I hope future students enjoy it as much as I did"

Since returning from Tasmania, Emily and Lincoln have been working hard to put together a PowerPoint presentation. They presented at a recent Lions Club meeting to share the many highlights of the trip, and to thank the club and members for their financial contribution. The Lions' generosity went towards reducing the overall cost of the tour. Both students spoke fluently and clearly, without looking at their notes, and have represented the school very well. 

Emily and Lincoln presenting to the Lions Club
Emily and Lincoln presenting to the Lions Club