School Advisory Council

SAC Meeting Summary - Wednesday 1st May    

As usual a long list of many issues were discussed from Management, two government grants have been submitted for the school renovation, Padua visit, Lorne conference and multiple meetings. Staff have professional learning every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.

Learning and teaching -NAPLAN showed lower spelling results and as a result the school will implement MultiLit Program Spell Ex to help all students.

Very fortunate to have so many excursions/incursions with sustainability and the multiple activities and the Bee Day tea towel. The offer from the Beach Box for school lunches was discussed as well as the canteen to offer more selection for students. Sorrento Rotary has been very generous and have invited 15 students to be involved in a music enrichment program. The new “Vision for Instruction” for Catholic Schools was discussed. A summary including the main points is as follows: There are two goals for instruction:1) Excellence; and 2) Equity regardless of background.

The Catholic Principles for education in a MACS school are: 1) Inspiration from Jesus; 2) Inclusive, collaborative; 3) Relationships between parents and school; 4) Inherent dignity of every person/student; 5) Pursuit of knowledge and excellence; and 6) Aim for a just society, the good of all. 


If anyone wants more information please contact me.


Kindest regards,

Adriana Rios