Student Wellbeing

End of Term


Wow, what a term it’s been! We know it’s been full of hard work and challenges for both students and families, so as we head into the holidays, we want to remind everyone how important it is to take some time to rest, recharge, and recover.  


The school term can be a lot – academically, emotionally, and socially. Between school and extracurricular activities, it’s no wonder our kids start to feel worn out.  The holidays are a great chance for everyone to reset. Just like us, kids benefit from time off as it helps them recharge their batteries so they can come back feeling fresh and ready for the new term. We often see kids returning to school after a good break with more energy, a positive attitude, and a readiness to learn.  


We’d also like to take a moment to say a big thank you for your continued support throughout the term. Your involvement and encouragement make such a difference, and we appreciate all you do to help our students thrive!  


We hope you can all find some time to relax, enjoy the sunshine, and do things that make you and your family happy. 


Wishing you all a fantastic and refreshing break!           

Janine and Brad.