
It was great to see so many of our students riding, walking and scooting to school this morning! Each Wednesday, Sarah and Audrey, our sustainability leaders, will collect data on how students have travelled to school. We are competing against 11 other primary schools across Merri-bek for the top school prize - an ice-cream bike afternoon for all our students, so hopefully we see even more bikes and scooters next Wednesday!
Over the next two weeks we will be sharing information about learning that is happening at each level in Mathematics. The aim is to better help parents and families understand some of the language and strategies we use at school, so you can talk to your child about their learning. Please keep an eye out for these on Seesaw.
This week learning started on our Term 4 Inquiry units, with the theme of active citizenship. In Foundation, students will be investigating actions and groups of people who help them to stay safe and healthy. In Year 1/2, the focus will be on healthy eating, looking at different food types and messages in the media. In Years 3-6, the students will be looking at government, decision making and democracy. We look forward to sharing examples of student learning across the term.
Iain Reed | Learning and Mathematics Leader