From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to Term 4 and the last term of the year.  A special welcome to Ms Jodie Wishart who started in the Office today supporting Ms Nicole, whilst Ms Bec is on leave.


Basketball Ring 

The junior students were very excited to see our new Mini Basketball Court had been installed over the holidays. They had a fun time testing it out at lunchtime. Thank you to the BPC and School Community for the wonderful fundraising effort at the walk-a-thon earlier this year.


Mini Mission Fete

A tradition at St Bernard’s is our annual Mini Mission Fete. This is a much loved event. The tradition of the Fete began over 25 years ago when the then Principal, Mrs Lorraine Francis visited a mission overseas and wanted the students of the school to be actively involved in a project to support those in need. And so began the Mini Mission Fete which has raised over $2000 each year it has run. The money is given to charities that we know make a difference in the lives of others.


The amazing thing about this fundraising event is that the students do it all! They plan, they prepare and they run the entire event. It runs from approximately 11:45am-1:00pm in the school. Each year level has chosen a stall idea. The teachers and students plan the games/activities and stalls and students bring or make things at school to contribute. The students then bring some money and a shopping bag on the day and off they go! Even after numerous fetes, it still amazes me how successful and enjoyable this is.

This year our Fete is being held on Friday 8th November and over the coming days/weeks you will hear more about how your child is going to be involved.


Bunnings BBQ

A reminder the BPC have their Bunnings BBQ on Saturday 26th October. This is a major fundraiser for the school. If you can volunteer to assist on the day, even for a short time, please email 


Grandparents Morning

We are looking forward to all Grandparents and special people joining us on Friday 25th October for some time in the classroom & morning tea. Invitations will be sent home tomorrow. Please RSVP by Wednesday 23rd October. We are also looking for donations of cakes, slices, biscuits, sandwiches, scones  etc to provide morning tea,  which we would like to make very special. If you are able to donate something please return the slip on the invitation, phone 9384 8500 or email


One Night Only! - Save the Date

On Tuesday 29th October from 6:00pm- 8:00pm we will hold the premiere of our ‘stop motion clips’ together with a display of the amazing art work of our students. We will share more information but make sure you save the date and time, all families are welcome!


Accounts - Fees & Levies

Final instalments for school fees and levies are now overdue. Accounts were sent home and we ask that you settle these as soon as possible. If you are experiencing financial difficulties please make an appointment to meet with me. 


2025 Commencement Dates

Tuesday 28 January : Staff return

Wednesday 29 January : Foundation Students commence 9:00am – 1:00pm (first day of school) and Years 1 - 6 Getting to Know You Interviews

Thursday 30 January : Years 1 - 6 Students commence


2025 Term Dates

Term 1 : Tuesday 28 January – Friday 4 April 

Term 2 : Tuesday 22 April – Friday 4 July

Term 3 : Monday 21 July – Friday 19 September

Term 4 : Monday 6 October – Friday 19 December


Easter Weekend : Good Friday 18 April - Easter Monday 21 April.



Something to Think About

Highly acclaimed Melbourne based paediatrician Dr Billy Garvey  speaks  about “10 Things  You Should Know about your child’s mental health”