From Our School Leaders

MARKET DAY - Saturday 26th October 10.00am - 2.00pm 

PFA Market Day is almost here, and there are many external stall holders booked for the day. We are getting ready for the event with our own class stalls on the day as well. We are asking our SPS community to support this fundraising event. You can do this by donating :


TIME – each class needs their stall manned throughout the day                                                    If you are able to give an hour of your time (or more) that would be very helpful.


PRE-LOVED GOODS – toys, games, books                                                                                  Good condition please - no missing pieces.


CAKES, SLICES, BISCUITS for the Baked Goods Stall                                                           Ingredients must be listed on each cake/slice. No cream please.


Some classes have also been asked to make small contributions of prizes (lollies) for their stalls. All information regarding this has been posted to COMPASS. 


Invitation To SPS Parents To See Our Learning In Action

This term, we are inviting our parent community into our classrooms to see our students learning in action. 


The first invitation is for next week, on Tuesday 15th October, 9.00-9.40am. We would love our parents to come into classrooms to observe and participate in our Morning Rigour session next week. 


Our Morning Rigour program has been running all year, every day at 9.00-9.40am. During this time we complete the daily spelling lesson through our new Write2Read program (20 minutes) and then move onto our Rainbow Maths session (20 minutes). The students will be able to share their knowledge of spelling codes, and explain their Maths progress to you during the session.


Two other invitations will be extended this term to see other learning areas in action. We will modify the timetable to conduct these sessions with the aim of making the time convenient for families. 

  • Thursday 31st October,  9.00 - 9.45am - join us for a Writing session
  • Thursday 20th November,  9.00 - 9.45am - join us for a Maths session


Term 4 In Our Schoolyard At Lunch And Recess

At the end of Term 3, school leaders surveyed all students as we were seeking feedback from them regarding their views on Scoresby PS and what we offer. We focussed on 3 main themes: 

  • Playtimes – Are they having fun at playtime?  Do they have friends?
  • Learning – Is learning fun for you at school? What do you like learning about? Do you like leaning?
  • General wellbeing – Do you like coming to school? What part of the day do you enjoy the most? 

We found many students are humming along quite well. Most children interviewed liked their learning tasks, and got along well with their teachers. The answers to our questions really gave us a picture of why we have a very settled and calm school, and that our kids like Scoresby PS. 


When we analysed the survey data for Foundation-Year 6, a few children are having minor issues with others in our school yard, and there were several requests for more to do in the yard during playtimes.


With Wellbeing now front-and-centre in DET policy, we will be implementing lunchtime activities each day for students to join in this term. 


The activities are a mixture of sports, crafts and hobbies. The purpose of the activities is to provide a safe space for children to play, meet friends, practise inclusion and social skills. All activities are optional. They also give our House and HEART Captains a bit more responsibility and leadership practice (for equipment preparation and guidance in the activity).


We started this week with:

  • Monday............Lego and Chalk Drawing 
  • Tuesday............Downball Competition / Mindful Colouring (in Library) 
  • Wednesday.....Tennis / Coding (in Library)
  • Thursday..........Tennis / Bracelet Making (in Library)
  • Friday................Downball Competition (continued)         

On Tuesday we had downball competitions, mini tennis games, basketball games and colouring in the library. There was such a buzz in the yard, with many students trying our new things and playing with students of all ages.


We are looking forward to getting the students involved in these activities and evaluating their success. Staff are popping in and out to support the program, and their students, during their breaks as well. 



ICAS Assessments - Results

Each year we offer our students the opportunity to participate in the ICAS Assessments. Students have the opportunity to test their knowledge in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Digital Technologies, Mathematics and Science.


Congratulations to the following students:

Eason C. 5/6S – Digital Technologies (Credit), Mathematics (Credit), Science (Credit), Spelling Bee (Credit)

Harmony C. 5/6S – Digital Technologies (Credit), Mathematics (Merit), Science (Credit), Spelling Bee (Credit)

Christopher C. 1/2K – Digital Technologies (Credit), Mathematics (Distinction)

Athena R. 3/4S – English (Credit), Spelling Bee (Credit)

Ethan H. 3/4H – Mathematics (Credit)


Victorian High-Ability Program

Congratulations to Sam (5/6H), Annabelle (5/6H), Celeste (5/6W) and Mason (5/6W) for completing the Victorian High-Ability Program in English last term.


These students were selected to take part in the Victorian High-Ability Program which is a program designed for students who have demonstrated ability in English through their NAPLAN results and performance in these subjects at school.


The Victorian High-Ability Program is an extension course run for one school term, where the students meet with like-minded peers at neighbouring Victorian government schools through weekly virtual lessons taught by expert Virtual School Victoria educators. 


We wish Summer (5/6W), Piper (5/6W) and Bailey (5/6W) all the best as they complete the Term 4 programs in Maths and English.


Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun                                           Save the Date: Friday 22nd November

Get your Colour on! Scoresby Primary School is hosting a Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun! 


Our Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun will be on Friday 22nd November, from 2.00 - 3.30pm.


Not only are we hosting an awesome Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun, but we are also making a difference! Students will have the choice of what cause they would like to transfer their donations to – Carbon Neutral (tree planting), Great Barrier Reef Foundation (coral planting, turtle protection), The Smith Family (reading support) and OzHarvest (providing meals).


On Monday, students will receive a sponsorship book with instructions on setting up their cybersafe, online fundraising profile at This is an entirely online fundraiser; all cash donations must be converted to online donations.


Extra Incentives to Fundraise!

  • Online Golden Coins – complete fun online tasks to redeem an extra $75 credit towards your chosen cause.
  • Monty the Monstar’s Bonus Prizes – achieve milestones to unlock Monty’s bonus prizes.
  • $10,000 Budget Booster Bonanza Spending Spree for one organisation’s highest fundraising student
  • Our school will win an extra $5,000 if we have the highest average fundraised amount per student in 2024.
  • A PlayStation 5 Gaming Bundle – see your child’s sponsorship booklet for more!

For more information, please contact Nic Rheumer at or on 9763 7484.


Happy fundraising!




Scoresby Primary School Leaders