From the Office

General Office

The General Office/Reception is open from 8:15am to 4:15pm Monday to Friday throughout the school term. 


The office phone number is (03) 5945 1433 and the email address is: 


Parent/Carer Contributions

Dear Parents and Carers,


Pakenham Secondary College is dependent on voluntary contributions from parents to achieve the best possible education and support for our students. These contributions support the curriculum programs, school services and resources, together with ensuring the operation of the school's extended learning and co-curricular programs.


Please visit your Compass Portal - Course Confirmation / School Payments, to learn more about how you can make payment of voluntary contributions. Please contact the General Office on 5945 1433 should you have any queries.




Aaron Smith

College Principal - Pakenham Secondary College

Students departing early from school

Bell Times

Locker Bell 8:43 am - 8:55 am
Period 1 8:55 am - 9:55 am
Change Over9:55 am - 9:59 am
Period 29:59 am - 10:59 am
Recess10:59 am - 11:21 am
Locker Bell11:21 am - 11:26 am
Period 311:26 am - 12:26 pm
Change Over12:26 pm - 12:30 pm
Period 412:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Lunch1:30 pm - 2:10 pm
Locker Bell2:10 pm - 2:15 pm
Period 52:15 pm - 3:15 pm

Parent Details

If you have moved house or changed phone numbers, please remember to fill in a ‘Change of Details’ form. The form can be collected from the General Office.  Please return this form as soon as possible. It is important that we have your most current details for general purposes and in case of an emergency. 


It is also important that you keep your mobile phone and email address details up to date on Compass. This is to ensure you do not miss out on vital information including student attendance alerts.  To do this:

  1. Login to your Compass account, and select the Cog Icon in the top right-hand corner of the page.
  2. Select Update My Details from the drop-down menu provided.
  3. Fill in your new details as desired, then select the Update My Details button to save.

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays during term times (details below) and can be contacted on 0419 400 644 or via email at

Wednesday1.00pm - 4.30pm

Saturdays, during school terms 

and the Saturday prior to the beginning of each term

9.00am - 1.00pm

Layby is available with 20% deposit, payments to be made fortnightly and to be collected within 3 months of purchase. 


Please note: the uniform shop will be closed on student free days, public holidays and during school holidays, throughout the school year.


The uniform shop is located on the Campus behind the Gymnasium.




Compass is our portal where we post important information and where you can update your child/s absence, approve incursions/excursions, check the work that they need to complete, contact teachers, download reports when available, book parent/student/teacher interviews and more.


Please feel free to call the College with any questions you may have on 5945 1433.  Our General Office will be more than willing to help you as best they can. Please read further below for some short visual guides on how to use Compass.


Click here for the Compass Login.

Student Absences

If a student is unable to attend school, is going to be late or needs to leave early, the school must be informed of all absences, whether it be illness, appointments, holidays or any other reason.


The easiest way is to Login to Compass with your Parent Login and “Add an Attendance Note” (please click on the image for details).


Please click here for the Compass Login or you can call the school office on 5945 1433 on the morning of the absence.

Compass Guide

We have had a request from some parents to provide a Guide for the main areas of Compass. Please find below details of the Parents Compass Home Page. 

Excursion Approvals - Online Only 

Pakenham Secondary College have 'gone digital' for excursion approvals!  For any incursion/excursions that your child will be attending this year, approvals will be made via your (Parents/Carers) Compass. Paper copies will no longer be provided.


Parents/Carers, if you do not have your Compass login, need a new password or need any help, please contact the office on 5945 1433. 


Please follow the instructions below for approvals.

Student Absences

If a student is unable to attend school, is going to be late or needs to leave early, the school must be informed of all absences, whether it be illness, appointments, holidays or any other reason.


The easiest way is to Login to Compass with your Parent Login and “Add an Attendance Note” (please click on the image for details).


Please click here for the Compass Login or you can call the school office on 5945 1433 on the morning of the absence.

Compass Pay

Please find below instructions on how to pay your school fees through Compass. If you have any questions, please contact the office on 5945 1433.



More Compass Information

If you require further information on Compass please visit the following link:

A guide for parents & families | Compass Education AU 

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