Student Voice

Sports 'Free Dress' Day
On Monday, 16th September, our Student Representative Council organised a Sports Free Dress Day, combining this with our Annual French Day. On the day, students were able to wear French clothes, French sports clothes or wear sports clothes. Students were asked to bring a gold coin donation, with all proceeds going to the Sports Access Foundation.
The Sports Access Foundation helps Australian children with a disability to play and participate in sport. They offer grants each year to students with disabilities, and these grants are tailored to meet the diverse needs of children aged 7-17 years to ensure relevancy in their sporting pathway. These grants include a Pathway to Paralympic Grant, a Sporting Club Grant, a Kick Start Grant and an Equipment Grant.
We would like to thank our community for their generous donations. We raised $259 on the day.
Year 11 PDS Class Donates to SES
This term, Ms Wright's Year 11 Personal Development Class set up a coffee cart as a way to interact with the school community, whilst at the same time raising money for a local charity. The class decided that the SES would be their charity of choice, given the extreme weather we have experienced of late and the fantastic work that the SES does to keep the community safe. This also tied in with the knowledge they had gained about not-for-profit organisations. The class raised $175.10 for their efforts.
Cultural Storytelling