Art @ PSC

Outstanding Textile Work
This exceptional quilt was recently created by Coby Flanagan-Gorickic in Year 10 Product Design Textiles. It is a puff patchwork quilt measuring 2 metres squared. Absolutely amazing work!
Indigenous Artist in Residence
In Term 3, our Year 8 Art students have been working with our Indigenous Artist in Residence, Sam Richards, from the Wurundjeri and Dja Dja Wurrung Tribes. The students have learned about traditional Dreamtime stories and interpreted them into their sculpture creations, utilising traditional Indigenous symbols to create stories on them. Here are a few of the beautiful sculptures created. These are on view in our College Reception Foyer.
Sam has also been working on a fantastic mural with students from our PACT Class, as well as totem poles with our Year 10 Art Class - these will be completed in Term 4.
Creative Victoria Grant Update
This year, Pakenham Secondary College were excited to obtain a grant from Creative Victoria. Our application was one of a large number submitted from schools throughout Victoria, and we were 1 of only 20 schools that received this substantial grant.
The grant was awarded for our submission for a cross-curricular project between our Year 7.1 English Enhancement Class and Year 9 and 10 Digital Art Classes, called "The Collaborative Critter Character Project".
Renowned artist, Tara Kingston, has been mentoring students through a studio-based process of exploration, development and design of Claymation 'critters' in the creation of stop motion film.
At the beginning of the process, our Year 7.1 English Class, through the guidance of Mr Kelly, provided detailed descriptions and ideas for their critter characters to our Year 10 Digital Art Class.
Our Year 10 Digital Art Class, with the expert direction of Ms Rhodes-Anderson and our Creative Victoria Mentor, Tara Kingston, worked their magic to bring the Year 7 students' critters and characters to life. The Year 10s used their creative skills to craft polished and vibrant renderings that will capture the essence of the imaginative critters.
The two classes worked together in collaboration, whereby the Year 7s acted as 'the clients' and provided feedback to the Year 10 students on the artistic designs of their written creations. Collaborative learning has been shown to not only develop higher-level thinking skills in students, but it can boost their self-esteem and confidence as well. Students learn how to work with different types of learners and develop their leadership skills.
The Year 10 Digital Art students provided 2D vector designs of the characters to the Year 9 students, who are currently creating, 3D Claymation - they are creating sets, planning scenes and using claymation techniques to bring the critters to life on screen.
All of this will culminate in the final product of a stop motion film, which will then be shared with our community through a film screening in Term 4.
Here are some recent comments by our Year 7 students about this Collaborative Critter Project.
I think my team captured what I wrote about - Kenndrick
I'm looking forward to the film screening - Alyse
My character was a little bit different to the one that I wrote about. It will be really good to see what they do with the final stop-motion film - Logan.
Being part of the project has been fun. My claymation character wasn't that different to how I imagined them to be. I'm happy with how they created them - Nurelham.