Year 4 Specialist News - Term 4

Transdisciplinary Theme
How we express ourselves
Central Idea
Artists communicates through abstract form and perspective
Lines of Inquiry
- Artistic influences, studying the works of Picasso to understand how his techniques, styles and ideas have influenced art till today.
- Using art elements to influence how people engage and respond to a work of art.
- Perspective and symbolism as a form of communicating emotion within an artwork.
Key Concepts
Learner Profile Attributes
Students Will Create:
- An illustrated adapted version of Picasso’s ‘Guernica’, with the new cultural message of the Aussie Football Grand Final - Focusing on emotion, tone, composition and the abstract style of Picasso’s work.
- Painting a half section of the Guernica Grand Final using black, white and grey scale to abstract and effectively edit original illustration.
- Constructing a Picasso animal puppet inspired by the Chinese Lion Dance incursion. Capturing expression of emotion and effective pattern.
Transdisciplinary theme
Sharing the planet
Central Idea
All children have rights, regardless of who they are.
Lines of Inquiry
The rights that all children should have
- Whether these rights differ throughout the world.
- What place music has in sharing the message of responsibility, to all.
Key Concepts
Learner Profile Attributes
Students Will
- Investigate and compare music from various cultures to identify similarities and differences, understanding how music reflects diverse cultural expressions and values.
- Reflect on the way music expresses ideas from different places and people
- Explain the purpose and key features of different types of music, understanding how music serves various functions in different cultures and societies.
- Practise their music reading, writing and playing by using classroom percussion and melodic instruments to perform rhythms and melodies such as a Habanera rhythm from Cuba, a Boogie Woogie bass line from America, or a children’s singing game from Africa.
- Create music that is inspired by the music from other places.
- Demonstrate being caring and principled learners by showing respect to different cultures.
- Rehearse and perfect two selected songs for performance at the end-of-year concert, applying their knowledge of musical elements to deliver a well-rounded performance.
Transdisciplinary Theme
How we express ourselves
Central Idea
People communicate by expressing themselves in many different ways
Lines of Inquiry
The way social interactions influence how people engage with ideas and respond to others.
Key Concepts
Learner Profile Attributes
Students Will
Express Themselves in Japanese
Say and write their name, age, grade, what they like, and their nationality in Japanese.
Create a Personal Booklet
Students will write about themselves (name, age, grade, what they like, and nationality). Students will reflect on their identity and connect with their peers by sharing personal information in a structured format, enhancing their communicator skills.
Learn Japanese Body Language
Learn and practice Japanese body languages to express their feelings and deliver their message.
Produce a Video Letter
Make a video letter to a Japanese Primary School to introduce themselves, using Japanese body language and verbal communication. Students will communicate effectively across cultures and reflect on how body language and verbal cues vary between cultures.
Compare Language Programs
Students will compare Japanese Primary Schools and BNPS regarding second language programs, discussing similarities and differences. This encourages students to reflect on their own language learning experiences and connect them with broader educational practices and cultural perspectives.
Transdisciplinary Theme
How we express ourselves
Central idea
Communicating in sport enables good teamwork
Lines of inquiry
- Strategies in games can be connected to helping form positive relationships with peers
- How we communicate and collaborate during Physical Education activities
- How disorganisation can lead to challenges in achieving goals
Key Concepts
Learner Profile Attributes
Students Will
- Develop game sense and more complex movement skills within game situations using the skills they have previously learnt both in school and our wider community sport.
- Work in teams and pairs focusing on strategies to achieve positive team building and communication.
- Focus on using knowledge of games, working in groups and awareness of rules, tactics and equipment.
- Participate in activities such as Newcombe, Orienteering, and Ultimate Vortex (inspired by Ultimate Frisbee).