School News

R U OK? Day
Thursday 12th September is RU OK Day. A chance to check in with those around you.
RUOK CAFE - 8.30-9.30AM
Parents-teachers-friends all welcome!
Coffee in the canteen hole in the wall!
Join us for a $2 coffee or tea & a tiny teddy and let some community spirit salve your soul!
TheirCare Newsletter
School Colour Run - SAVE THE DATE
Code Camp - Term 4 Enrolment
Code Camp will again run at lunch times on Wednesdays during Term 4.
Please follow the link below to book in:
After-school Programs at Alphington Primary School | Code Camp
Dates below:
Thursday 19th September
Reminder - Wellbeing- Parent Information Sessions in our community
Below are some links to free resources and topical information sessions for parents in our community.
Yarra Council- Tuning in to teens
Emotionally Intelligent Parenting of children aged 10 - 15 years
Wednesday nights in August and September from 6pm – 8pm
Bargoonga Nganjin
182 St Georges Road, Fitzroy North
These sessions are free to attend, however you need to register but emailing or
Please see this link for more information:
Esafety Commissioner- Webinars
In the coming weeks, there are a number of other information sessions for parents, related to online behaviours. The below topics all have dates in September, and are free to attend.
Here is a link to some resources (videos, articles and books) for parents around online safety