Classroom News

Year 4 Camp
Year 4 visited Camp Jungai in Week 8 this term. It was a huge few days, full of exciting activities, moments that pushed everyone out of their comfort zone and many, many laughs!
Our students learned how to canoe, were pulled 15 metres into the air on the Possum Pull, tested their balance on the low ropes course, practised teamwork with initiatives and learned all about bush tucker, bush medicine and First Nation History and Dreaming with Aunty.
Below are some of the favourite moments of the week, shared by some of our Year 4 students.
Cabins by Angie Q 4J
We have arrived at Camp Jungai and the crowd is full of excitement. We all can’t wait to hear our cabin groups. I hold my breath as Brody grabs the list.
And then, he says, ‘I have some great news!’
My throat is getting tight.
Then, he says something none of us are expecting.
I let go of my breath as he says, ‘Naplan is back for Year 4s!’
‘Just kidding,’ he says, ‘here are the cabins for the girls…’
Blah blah blah…I don’t start listening until I hear…’Ok, now for Yorta Yorta cabin.’
Come on, this is the cabin that I want!
This time, I take a bigger inhale.
‘Amelia, Clem O, Maddy, Tilly, Holiday, Rachel, Esther…’
Come on, come on…please be me!
I exhale with relief. My heart gives a giant flip. I make my way to the cabin. This is going to be great!
Canoeing by Esther S 4BM
Birds chatter as the wind blows in my face. My paddle splashing wildly on the surface of the water. The sound of students chattering guides me along the lake, swerving through the brown pool. Wind and water lash against my face as I paddle quickly to the middle of the lake, grasping other boats tightly with my fists. Kyla starts to talk and explain instructions and soon enough, Olive and I are chasing others in our bright red canoe. The game has started!
We chase the helpless boats through the water, trapping them in the weeds and bam, bam, bam! Our paddle strikes the rear end of their boat and we claim them as ours. Olive and I have our first victory, but it’s not over yet! Ange and Brody’s boat comes racing after us!
We scream and our paddles jolt forward. We’re paddling as fast as we can, but we’re no match to Brody’s strength!
They win the race and they take control of our power.
Camp Jungai by Frida K 4D
My favourite parts of camp were probably when the bus tyre exploded on the way home, because it was funny, except the bus smelled like burned rubber afterwards!
I loved the Possum Pull, mostly because it was very challenging to get the toys in the basket, and the height was a bit much, but I pushed myself.
I really liked my cabin- we had Kira, Olive, Clem A, Holly and Eliza (the worm!). Eliza got into her sleeping bag and pretended to be a worm…it was hilarious, and the whole cabin went crazy!
I loved canoeing- it was a fun activity but I got stuck in the reeds and it was hard to move around them. I liked playing Domination even though we constantly kept getting tagged!
The food was good except the potatoes needed a bit more salt (I love a salty potato!). Breakfast was nice and I liked the baked beans on Day 3. We made vegetable sandwiches with rolls and I have ham, cheese and tomato in mine. Overall the food was good!
Camp was really enjoyable and it definitely is one of the highlights of my year!
Reminder - Senior Concert tickets available
Year 2-6 STOMP Dance Production – The Day We All Grew Up!
When a group of school students begin their usual morning routine at Breakfast club, their Weetabix begins to taste slightly different. With their new cook (Bills Meals) making Breakfast, the students decide to be polite and eat it anyway. With family evening that night, they need the school day to go smoothly.This does not go to plan when suddenly, they are thrust into the world of adulthood and must survive in the real working world. After all, we always talk about when we grow up! With the actual adults now behaving like children, and the children running the building chaos ensues. They must try and keep the school running whilst also keeping Bill out the kitchen!
Reminder - Nude Food Tuesdays
Hello Alphington Primary School parents,
Our action team has decided that we have seen too many plastic wrappers in the bins and out in the yard. We decided to pick on a random grade and found a total of 170 pieces of plastic. That’s way too much.
Our action team has decided to make it stop. From now on we have a challenge for students to reduce the amount of rubbish in the bins.
Every Tuesday for the rest of Term 3 we will come around to classes, before recess, to check all the food that is nude food and whoever has the most nude food will get a certificate! We hope that you can support us with this by helping your child pack a nude food!
Thank You Bye!
Connor, Lucas & Noah S
Nude Food Action Team
Lost Property - Camp, Trivia Night and General
We have a large amount of lost property at the moment. Photos below of lost property from Camps and also the Trivia Night. Also, the lost property bin is full of students clothing and all unnamed items will be donated at the end of the term. Please take the time to investigate if you are missing items.