Grade 1 and 2

Term Four has already began and we have many many exciting things ahead of us! We have launched into learning already in all our core areas, including becoming very curious about space! With the whole school CBL Big Idea of 'Curiosity', students have begun to explore our solar system (from Earth of course) and how we are part of a much larger galaxy and beyond. Our students have become so curious it is hard to contain the questions, hopefully you have been inundated as well by the bursting minds of curious scientists keen to understand more.
Respect - Term 3 CBL
As part of our CBL celebration we have been creating a way to display the shared understanding of 'Respect' with the whole community of WPPS. The students in each Grade 1 and Grade 2 classroom have been deciding and designing. We look forward to having this on the wall very soon for you all to enjoy and learn from for many years to come.
Term Four in Grade One and Two involves many exciting things, including a very special day at school and afternoon for the Grade Ones, a day camp offsite for the Grade Twos, Swimming and our African Drum experiences. We can't wait!