
Sydney Jewish Museum Excursion

On Friday the 20th of September, a group of Stage 5 students were given the opportunity to travel to Sydney and immerse themselves in a three hour program at the Sydney Jewish Museum. This complemented their current study of the Holocaust in Stage 5 History. 

The program started with students hearing from a Holocaust Survivor named Lucy, who told them about her experiences when Budapest was taken over by the Nazis. After this, students toured the museum and saw a variety of artefacts from the Holocaust including the Stars of David that were used to identify Jewish People during the time of Nazi oppression. 

The program ended with a workshop on the different types of resistance that occurred during the Holocaust including, spiritual, physical, moral/ideological and sabotage! Students learned about these through stories about relatives who resisted the Nazis during the Holocaust. 

The experience was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The Museum and presentations were insightful and interesting, in particular speaking to the survivor Lucy.

Miss Walls HSIE Teacher


Year 12 Textiles and Design 

Congratulation to Katelyn for successfully completing her major work. She worked tirelessly on this project dedicating her spare time to create a beautiful felted dragon.  Katelyn created a variegated wet felt with Merino wool and silk fibres for the body of the dragon, the dragon included wet and dry felting, hand embroidery, foam marble dyeing using liquid radiance, trapunto stuffing and chenilling. Katelyn layered a series of individually made feathers using free motion machine stitching, fabric pizza, Angelina fibres and wet felt. The project demonstrates a range of skills in both construction and embellishment. Katelyn also produced 12 pages of supporting documentation which tracked her design decisions and construction process. This is hopefully the first of many HSC textiles classes at BCS. I can’t wait to share my passion with future year groups. 

Mrs Golden  

Friday Unwind

This time in the term can be hard on students, there is disruption to routines, excursions and everyone is tired. Today in Unwind, students made a pledge to themselves for how they can look after their mental health in the last week of school and the holidays. These pledges are hanging on our wellbeing noticeboard in the double storey building.

Mrs Claire Cosgrove l Unwind Teacher

Dear Year 12 Graduates,

Congratulations on reaching this incredible milestone! As you step forward into the next exciting chapter of your lives, take a moment to reflect on how far you’ve come. The challenges you’ve overcome, the friendships you’ve made, and the knowledge you’ve gained have all shaped you into the remarkable individuals you are today.

This is not the end but the beginning of new opportunities and adventures. Whether you’re pursuing further studies, entering the workforce, or taking time to explore your passions, know that your potential is limitless. Believe in yourselves and your abilities and remember that the strength and resilience you’ve shown throughout your schooling journey will carry you far.

As you leave our school, we want you to know that you’ll always be a part of our community. We are proud of everything you’ve achieved, and we’ll be cheering you on in all your future endeavours.

Wishing you all the very best in the exciting road ahead. Take care, stay true to yourselves, and never stop learning!

From all the staff and students of Boorowa Central School.