From The Principal

Holiday Project Works
There are a number of projects planned for the upcoming school holiday period that will affect our school/church community when accessing the site (refer attached map).
Car Park Speed Bump
From Monday 30th September, there will be no drive-through access in the car park due to works to replace some paths and install a raised ‘Wombat’ crossing in front of the church office. This project is scheduled for completion early in the 2nd week of the school holidays (Week beginning Tuesday 8th October), depending on how the cement dries.
During this time, the car park will be split into two areas. The Montague Road entrance and the Hillary Crescent exit will both become two-way, entry and exit points during this period.
Pedestrian access from Montague Road to the school and church office areas will be maintained from the public footpath (past the fire booster box and clothing donation bin).
When exiting and entering the property – please be ultra mindful of the dual access required for vehicles.
Fencing Upgrade
At the same time as the school crossing works, we have a new (replacement) fence being installed along the footpath by the Junior Primary playground. To accommodate the fencing works, the car park spaces on the northern side of this car park will be closed.
Pedestrian access to Vacation Care will be maintained via the gate under the school veranda. As the footpath to Hillary crescent will also be closed, the recommended pedestrian access between school and ELC will be via the Montague Road footpath.
ELC Car Park Lighting
Also starting Monday will be the installation of 2 solar carpark lights in the ELC car park, and some upgrades to the ELC perimeter fencing. The affected areas will be closed off by the trades for safety.
OSHC Director
Unfortunately, due to new health concerns, Ms Jo Papa will not be joining us as we had hoped. We are in the process of re interviewing candidates for this position.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience in this area as we continue to improve on the safety of our site. May these coming weeks away from the routines of school be restful and safe for our community.
Evie Stevens