Swimming Results

Merredin Swimming Carnival
Selected Year 3-6 students from the Central Wheatbelt participated in a carnival on Wednesday 6th March in Merredin. The students did a fantastic job, with several Central Wheatbelters taking home individual awards including these MDHS students:
Champion Year 6 Boy: Lewis Ballantyne
Champion Year 5 Girl: Ava Lamond
R/UP Year 3 Boy: Hamish Ballantyne
Our Secondary students participate in Merredin on Friday for the EASA Swimming Carnival. Good luck!!
DISA Swimming Carnival
The DISA Swimming Carnival was held on Tuesday 27th February, and it was a fantastic event for all students, parents and helpers. This year's carnival ensured that all students would be able to participate and compete in the pool. Thank you to Miss de Lacy for organising the event and to all the parent volunteers who assisted on the day. Congratulations to the individual award winners!