From the Classroom

News from 5/6

This fortnight in English, we are focusing on persuasive writing in readiness for NAPLAN, which is in weeks 7 and 8. Students will examine the structure of a persuasive text and use strong persuasive language to make their arguments stronger.


In Maths, students will continue to revise the four operations with a strong focus on answering worded problems using efficient strategies. We will also be reviewing measurement topics before students begin a maths project later in the term.


On Friday, March 15, students will be participating in a Gala Day. They will play against other schools in their allocated sport throughout the day. We have been impressed with students' effort and sportsmanship during our practice lessons. A BIG thankyou to the parents who have volunteered their time to help during our Sport sessions and to those who have volunteered to help on Gala Day. 

What's happening in 3/4

It has been a wonderful two weeks in 3/4! The unit has settled into 3/4 routines and expectations exceedingly well and we are gearing up for a fantastic year. 


Our Inquiry Unit this term is on wellbeing, so this fortnight, we have been learning different de-escalation strategies and how to identify our emotions. We have begun investigating character strengths such as love of learning, teamwork and perseverance. Over the coming weeks, students will discover their own character strengths and work to better understand how these strengths add value to themselves and the people around them. 


We have continued our class novel study of Matilda. Everyone has been enjoying reading the challenges that Matilda is facing. Alongside this, students are learning a range of key skills such as sentence types and summarising. 


In Performing Arts, 3/4's are learning music and body percussion. They have been learning how to make rhythm and music using different actions that create sound such as clapping or stomping your feet. Students have been using their new skills to make music to songs such as ‘Can’t Stop This Feeling’ and ‘Believer’. 


Our focus in Math’s this fortnight has been on Time. Students have been learning the history of time and how to convert digital to analogue time. As students learn this essential life skill, you can support them at home by asking them to read the time on an analogue clock when at home, or at the shops. 


There has been a lot of eagerness around homework in 3/4! We love to see excited learners, so homework will officially begin Tuesday the 5th of March and will feature activities in both Math and Literacy. 

Adventures of 1/2

The last 2 weeks have seen the 1/2s look at different aspects of their reading and writing. We have talked about great writing habits and the tools we need to be amazing writers. We have worked really hard in our writing sessions and showed terrific focus on hearing all the sounds in our words when we are writing. The students have also brainstormed terrific reading behaviours and what the classroom should look, sound and feel like when they are all engaged in reading.


In Maths, the 1/2s have started to investigate place value and are understanding the value of each digit in a number. They have been exploring different numbers with the use of MAB. Students have also enjoyed investigating their class mates’ eye colour and favourite ice cream flavour, then using this information to create and display picture graphs. 


The students have explored our school values of respect, responsibility and inclusivity. They have made terrific connections with each value and are striving to show these each day.

Fantastic Foundation

This fortnight in Foundation we have started our phonic lessons and identifying the initial phonic code. This week we have learnt the /s/ and /a/ sound, the students enjoying finding objects that start with the sound. In the coming week we will be learning the /t/ and /p/.  In our English lessons students have been learning how to be brave and have a go when reading and how the pictures can help them understand the story. We have also been learning about our pencil grip and how to use our writing tools.


In Maths, students are learning how to connect number names, numerals and quantities together. They have been enjoying practicing counting to 20 using song and learning how to form their numerals correctly.


In Inquiry, students have been learning how to identify emotions and in the coming weeks will learn about the Zones of Regulation to support them in identifying feelings and strategies to support self-regulation. 


Students should be very proud of how they have been learning their new classroom routines now they are gaining confidence at school. 

As a reminder, in the morning students are to be dropped off from 8:45am and they can either place their bag at the line up area and play until the music or they can wait at the line up area. Student pick up at the end of the day is at 3:30pm from the Basketball Court, if there is heavy rain we will dismiss students from the classroom. Any students remaining after 3:30pm will be walked to the front playground for the yard duty teacher to supervise.

Visual Arts

Thank you to those families who have returned or sent in new art smocks for 2024. These can be placed in tubs in your classroom, to be brought to class on specialist day.


Thank you


Jenelle Seregin | Visual Arts

Physical Education


During Physical Education classes this Term one of the sports  to improve our fundamental motor skills is Tennis. Stephen Hoy from Heathmont Tennis Club, Waterloo street, Heathmont conducted an introduction tennis skills to all classes last week. Lots of smiles and joy on the students faces throughout the lessons. Every child after the lesson were given a free introductory lesson to tennis. Stephen is our local coach and has a stong relationship with Marlborough Primary School. Any students wishing to continue developing their skills please contact Stephen at 

See attached flyer. Here are some photos from the lessons. 


Please note my working days at Marlborough  PS  for Physical Education are

 Thursdays and Fridays   

Bonny Chisholm /Physical Education.



We have had another amazing week of science. 


The grade 5 and 6 students spent time outside this week, drawing a 'birds eye view' of our school. We did a walk around the school to scope out and look for the perfect spot/space to plant some natives in the coming weeks. This will help build and strengthen our schools biodiversity and plant life. The birds eye drawings were amazing! We cant wait to share with you where our 5 and 6's decide where to build and plant a native garden.


The 3 and 4's learned all about different parts of plants. We drew and labelled our favourite plants using a diagram and then went outside to observe and learn what plants do and how they grow in different environments. E.g. In the sun vs in the shade. 



The grade 1/2's had heaps of fun exploring and learning about mini-beasts. We got to observe minibeasts and learn about the different features they have. Most students didn't know about mini-beasts so they all left intrigued and excited, now knowing what they were and where to find them! They also drew some incredible pictures of minibeasts and labelled the features of some. E.g. Head, thorax, abdomen, antennae, eyes, legs and wings. 


The preppies got a visitor this week called 'Sticky'. She is a female spiny leaf stick insect! The students were a little hesitant at first but oh so excited to pat and look at her after i told them how friendly she is. They learned how to care for her and how to be safe around her. We also learned about what Sticky needs to live; food (leaves), air, shelter and water. We then compared it to what we need to live, in order to survive. Turns out, its much the same but we don't eat leaves. The students got to draw Sticky and what she needs to live and then drew pictures of what they need to live. Some thought chocolate and oreos were much needed for survival haha



Looking forward to the next few weeks as we begin, soil testing/experiments, planting sunflower seeds and making mini-beasts and grass heads! 


Warm regards,

Jenny Turner

Science teacher.